Chapter 1:

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"Minji, Minjun, please just stop arguing over the toys and clean them up. We're going to be late." Jungkook shouted to the children down the hall, while he was finishing up with getting ready. Namjoon and Jungkook were going to be meeting Yoongi and Taehyung for dinner. The two men haven't been on a date in months so, this night meant a lot to Jungkook. He also had a surprise for Namjoon. "But momma, we don't want to go see grandma. We want to stay home with you." Minji pouted, her eyes big and teary as she watched Jungkook fluff his hair. The raven-haired man looked down at his daughter before kneeling to lock eyes with her. "Listen, sweetie. Mommy and Daddy are both going out. Yoonha will be at Grandma's, don't you want to see your cousin?" He asked the sweet little girl with a smile. Minjis eyes instantly lit up, as she got the biggest smile on her face. "Yes! I want to see Yoonha!" She said happily then hugged Jungkook. "I'll go tell Minjun!" The little girl exclaimed just before running out of the room to tell her brother the great news. The twins and Yoonha were best friends. They loved hanging out together. Even though Yoonha was almost two years older, the three of them had a lot in common.

"Alright, let's go," Jungkook shouted to everyone after getting his jacket on. "We're coming. Calm down, sweetie." Namjoon said just as he walked into the room. Jungkook smiled to himself as his handsome husband walked over to him. "I just don't want to be late. Taehyung said that they already dropped Yoonha off at your parent's place, and were on their way to the restaurant." Jungkook pouted cutely just so he could get another smile out of Namjoon. "I knew the twins got that from you." The tall man said with a chuckle before he and his family exited the house.




"Finally. You guys took forever." Yoongi said as Jungkook and Namjoon took their seats at the table. Jungkook let out a sigh and then looked up at his brother-in-law. "You try getting two kids ready yourself because your husband is too busy trying to figure out which pair of shoes to wear with his suit." The younger explained then glanced at Namjoon. "Babe, I need to make sure I look good for you. I wouldn't want to embarrass that pretty little ass of yours." Namjoon explained then leaned over to kiss Jungkook but, the younger just turned at the last minute so Namjoon just pecked his cheek. "Just because you're flattering me, doesn't mean I'm giving you any tonight. I told you I wasn't feeling well." Taehyung and Yoongi looked at each other before looking at Jungkook. "Kook if you're not feeling well then why did you agree to come to dinner with us? We would've understood." Taehyung explained while running his hand through his hair to move his bangs out of his eyes. Jungkook smirked to himself, then bit his lip to make sure that no one else had seen him. "I'm alright Tae. I just haven't been out without the kids in a while." Jungkook said while looking through the menu, gagging when Namjoon mentioned sharing the fish dinner.

Namjoon looked at Jungkook in confusion. "Babe, you love fish." He said then laughed to himself while looking back at the menu. Jungkook scoffed, wondering how long it was going to take Namjoon to realize what he was trying to hint at. This night was important for another reason, not just because the pair hadn't been on a date in a long time. "Are you sure you're okay Kook?" Yoongi asked while looking up after hearing the man scoff. Taehyung giggled to himself, being the only person who knew the man's secret but, promising not to tell. Yoongi looked at Taehyung and then back at Jungkook when the two shared a glance and smiled at each other. Yoongi then shared a confused glance with Namjoon. The older brother soon looked back at the menu while he spoke up. "Okay so, no fish? He asked, then heard Jungkook give a nuh-uh. Namjoon nodded to himself then continued to look through the list of food and finally agreed on a meal for him and Jungkook. "Did you want any drinks baby? I'm getting whatever Taehyung has because that sounds so good." He said then chuckled. "You want to try it first?" Taehyung asked then held the alcoholic beverage out towards Namjoon. His brother-in-lawer-in-law took the drink and took a sip of it causing him to hum in agreeance. "Wow, that does taste good."

Good Boy Part II: Secrets [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now