6. let the flames begin

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Luke's POV
12:16 PM, Sheffield, UK.

"So, I know you lads get this question a lot, but you have to keep us updated, any girlfriends yet?"

I swear, if we had a dollar every time we get asked this we'd be millionaires. But we can't blame them, we sacrificed our privacy the minute we decided to become a band.

"No, sadly. I wish it would change, though," Michael says as he takes a glance at someone behind the set. I trace my eyes to the source and see Kara furrowing her eyebrows.

"Yeah, Calum's cuddles aren't enough," I add as I eye Michael.

"This is all I am to this band, cuddles, just cuddles," Calum shakes his head.

"I think you're more than that," Ashton pats Calum's back.

Something's up with Michael and Kara. He won't stop looking at her and she's trying her best to ignore him, I can tell. One-sided love, maybe? Sounds like a typical situation for Michael. Out of all of us, he has the worst luck with girls for some reason. I just don't get why he'd fall for her besides the fact that she's hot. Maybe they're fuck buddies. Wait. If they're fuck buddies, he can't possibly like her. There's no way. That's not his style.

"Now, all of your fans have been wondering who this mysterious girl is," the interviewer projects pictures of us at LAX with Kara on a computer screen for all of us to see, "and she's been hanging with you guys these past few weeks. Care to explain?"

"Oh, she's our new band and tour manager," Calum smiles.

"Really? She looks so young!"

"That's what I said, too. She's around our age, though." I think back to our first encounter when she was asleep and I said she looked 12.

"She just turned 21 in December," Michael spills but then nervously laughs, "I think, not sure."


"Yeah, she's actually over there in her own little world," I point to her as she's on the phone probably calling venues for our tour.

"Wow, she must love doing her job," the interviewer says looking back at her.

"She does, actually. She's an awesome manager," Ashton says genuinely.

I have to admit, she is an awesome manager. She's passionate about all of this. I've never met a girl like her - devoted, ambitious, funny, cool and an immense lover of music. Every morning, she wakes up earlier than us to shower and sings without her knowing I can hear her. Her voice is unlike everything I've ever heard. Dollface has talent.


Kara's POV
1:30 PM

"So, you guys excited for your last show tonight?" I ask out loud as we walk towards the parking lot.

"It's a bittersweet feeling," Ashton replies, "I don't wanna leave."

"Yeah, same. You guys wanna go somewhere before soundcheck?"

"I've been wanting to go to Drop Dead," Luke says.

"Let's go!" I exclaim. "I'll drive."

We arrive during a slow hour at the store; there's a few people and it's mellow as fuck.

"Kara?!" I hear a British accent coming from the storage room near the cash registers.

"Oli!" I walk towards the tall and heavily tattooed rockstar for a hug.

"What are you doing here? I thought you went home with your parents?" He lets go of our embrace.

"Yeah, but I got called up to manage and tour with these Aussies right here," I point to the wide eyed band behind me.

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