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"Again, you're disgustingly adorable." Charlotte dipped a french fry into some ketchup. "But you deserve every bit of your happiness, so I tolerate it."

We stopped to have something to eat. My hair was just about done and it would now be Charlotte's turn to start getting ready. And with me eating my own fries, she succumbed to the fact that she will have to redo my lipstick and will save that for last.

It was nice to not only talk about how Jin and I got here, but how Charlotte and I did too. She's my best friend, my ride or die, and I'd be lost without her at this point. Never in my life have I had a friend like her. We knew all of each other's secrets and I trusted her more than anyone.

Charlotte bit into her sandwich. "So, about that kid Brian-"

"Brandon." I sipped my soda. "Why can't you ever remember his name? You never could even back then."

"I'm sorry. I just never cared enough." Charlotte wiped the corner of her mouth with her napkin. "But I remember him being so smitten with you. Wouldn't he always write notes on the white board on your door?"

"Yeah, he tried really hard." I slid out of my chair and onto the floor, stretching my legs out and crossing my ankles to get more comfortable. "No matter what I did, he just kept trying."

Charlotte chuckled. "Honestly, how you handled him is one of the things that I really admired about you in the beginning of our friendship. You very easily could have told him to fuck off and leave you alone, but you didn't."

"Jesus, it's not like he was stalking me all over campus." I ate a few more fries. "He really was nice. He just wasn't very...bright. My way of telling him to fuck off and getting him to go away was to set him up with someone in my biology class."

"See? He did annoy you." Charlotte snickered. "I knew it."

I sighed. "Okay, so he did annoy me. He wasn't aggressive or anything, but I was just tired of him following me like a lost puppy after class twice a week."

Charlotte nodded and shrugged. "Anyone would."

I looked down at my hand as it sat on my thigh. My ring was a little extra shiny now that I went and got it cleaned yesterday, and I smiled as I wiggled my finger.

"That's a surprise that I'll never forget." Charlotte also looked at my ring. "You left to go on vacation and came back with a ring on your finger. I nearly screamed."

"No, you did scream." I smirked. "Multiple times."

Charlotte motioned towards my hand with wide eyes. "Hello? How could I not?" She shook her head. "But I am jumping ahead, huh."

"Way ahead." I rubbed my hands together to shake off some crumbs from my lunch. "I'm still in California at this point. We may have moved fast, but it wasn't that fast."


From the moment I first saw them rehearse, and then attending their show that night, watching them perform became one of my favorite things. Not only were they all a lot of fun to be around, but their personalities extended to the stage. They were professional yet never stopped smiling and laughing.

I'd stop throughout the show to look around at the crowd. Seeing the smiling faces of ARMY as they sang along and screamed and danced was amazing to watch. The guys definitely fed off of the crowd's energy and vice versa.

Today they were filming a performance for a television show that would be aired later in the week. I kept myself tucked off to the side so I was out of the way but watched as they got ready. Their laughter never let up even while they sat to get their hair and makeup done, and then as they hung out before their performance.

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