-Hang in There-

68 4 18

Riri POV

"Life sucks," I proclaim. Being under house arrest was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. The simple rules to follow so I don't get sent away no tech, well, the monitor everything I do so no contacting other people and online classes, no inventing, nothing to do invention wise and finally my least favorite, therapy. That is exactly where I was headed right now. But I had a camera on my ring. Which I can use to see who and why were they doing this.

"You guys don't happen to want gum?" I ask the CRADLE agents in the van with me. They had guns and nothing that stood out about them. Everytime time I shove myself here and drive. I have been trying to guess where exactly we are in NY but everytime it varies in length. Maybe it's just down the street and they just drive in circles. Who knows?

The only person to talk, other than me was the therapist lady. She is very cryptic and she asks me about random things. I wasn't looking forward to this.

The door to the van opened and I was blindfolded. I flick my ring to start recording and am ushered inside. They remove the blind fold and I'm back to being in the weirdly clean office that Miss Therapist is waiting.

"Welcome back Miss Williams," she states. She was very, how could I put it, normal, painfully normal. She didn't have any defining features. Her hair was dark brown, she was pretty tall, and had tan-ish skin. Nothing of her screamed creepy therapist. She literally walked down the street and I wouldn't notice.

"Hey, you don't happen to have gum do you?" I ask, fixing my hair.

"Miss Williams, you should know by now that there is no food in here." She stares blankly.

"Look lady, I told you last time to cut the Miss Williams crap," I remark.

Wait a minute didn't I tell her that last time I was here, I think.

"Sorry, Riri" She bluntly states. "It must have slipped my mind."

"It's fine. Can we get on with this, so I can go back to sulking in my house." I reluctantly sit in the chair across from her.

"Riri, since our last appointment per say, I have learned that you suffered tragedies growing up." I flinch at her words and try to keep a straight face.

"Those include your father, and your best friend Nataile. May I first state that I am terribly sorry. These deaths must be your reason for superheroing. To protect others so then nothing like this could happen to other families." She looks up and me and her expression is unreadable. She reads me like a book. "It seems I have struck a nerve. I will make a deal with you Riri. I will let you know my name if you answer all of my questions."

"Sure." I say shifting in my chair.

"Perfect, now, my questions. Please answer them honestly. Firstly, would you give up superheroing for a normal life if given the chance?"

Ok, she has never asked me any questions before, what did we do the last two times I was here. I can only remember her asking about feelings and stuff.

"Umm... I mean who wouldn't. Not having the chance of dying or getting into some weird stuff sounds nice." I state honestly.

"Next, what do you think of your Champion teammates? Do any of them have similar stories to yours?" She states writing down my last response.

"That's not my story to tell. They are mostly chill and we're friends, I guess. Also if you're trying to learn something about them I'm not telling."

"Ok, that is perfectly fine Riri.Now what is your opinion about CRADLE?"

This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

"What do you expect me to say?" I spat. " 'CRADLE was so logical, I should have stopped being a hero a long time ago. Thank you for bringing me to my senses.' " I say mockingly. "Firstly, you guys kidnapped my friend and took them to who knows where. Second, I'm under house arrest which sucks, I can't even google anything with you guys getting notified. Third, I have to come to these therapy sessions with you trying to act like you get everything about us." I shout. "I'm sick of people just trying to control people. We already have people breathing down our neck and cameras waiting for us to mess up or accidently kill someone."

I was angry, not furious. Almost two months of this crap and NOW she wants to actually make progress. They just caught more people this week. Which would...

"You! You know where my friends are!!" I jump out of my chair. "You wasted my time till CRADLE caught some teen heroes and then God knows what to them. I will find them you and your whole dumb orginazaation. You guys don't even have a director here." I was in front of her chair and she didn't even seem to care at all. But the Director part did make her flinch.

"Are you done?" She asks. She quickly wrote something and looked up at me. "It seems that is enough questions for today." She sets down her clipboard next to her seat.

"Now my half of the deal. I should properly introduce myself, I am Terra Delgado, Director of CRADLE. Now, I have nothing else to say, so if you would be so kind as to try and relax."

She walks closer to me and her fingers glowing.

"You won't remember any of this. We will try again next week. I really need you to corporate."

"Wait. What, no please don't." I yell. She places her fingers on both sides of my head and I pass out.


I wake up in my house on the sofa. It looked like I had fallen asleep watching TV. My phone buzzes telling me that next week I have another therapy appointment.

"Great, I should make sure my ring camera is working."

I got up and got to work on something that was already on my finger.

Dun. Dun, DUN... I was way to excited writing this. Firstly I would like to say something, I'm really sorry if I got Riri's character wrong. I haven't gotten the chance to read her solo series :( so if her personality or something is off, I'm sorry. Secondly, what do you guys think of Terra, since we have yet to find out in the comics who lead CRADLE I made her to fill that space. She is a very interesting chapter and wants nothing more that to protect the teen heroes.(???) Her backstory is the next thing I'll post so expect that. Anyways, hope you guys liked it and have a nice week/day/time. -Aura

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