-Who's to Blame-

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Kamala's POV

My eyes flutter open slowly but fatigue takes over sending me tumbling into my subconscious. My brain replays everything that happened. My school, friends, and students, all harmed by my decision. I caused this. I was almost crushed by my own school. It's my fault. Why is this hurt so much. I have been brought back by a demon, gone to space and also nearly died but this hit me harder. I drift off to sleep, but even there the events hold.

"Kamala, can you come help us," I hear Ammi say. Without thinking I rush to them and hug them. "Kamala, what is wrong," Abu said.

"I..I, just missed you."

They look at each other then look back at me. Something in their faces changes as they glance at me again.

"Kamala, you were Ms. Marvel!?!" Abu says louder. "All this time, I thought you were just studying or spending time with friends! But you were being reckless!" Abu's voice gets louder and full of anger. "You would rather be superheroing then by my bedside at the hospital."

Then Ammi spoke, "You, my daughter, nearly dead at what expense. You save some civilians, but people are needy. They will need you more and more till there's nothing of you but Ms. Marvel.It's your fault you're in this situation." They both fade out and I'm left with my thoughts. Their right. I was never a good Ms. Marvel. I saved people time and time again but they never thank me and expect me to continue to save them.

"Kamala, oh my God. Kamala!!" Zoe yells, running to Nakia in pressure. They both hug me and comfort me.

"Everything is fine." Nakia states as she hugs me. But the hug doesn't last.

"Well, look what we have here." Thanos says. "It seems they think they are safe."

Behind him are all the villains, you know the ones. Loki, Doom, Ultron, Magneto, and many more.

Then Zoe and Nakia turned to me, her face not showing any emotion other than anger stated. "You are the reason we are in a life or death situation. What if one day you can't save us both. People around you are affected as well, like Josh. It's your fault and it always will be." Everyone fades and I'm left to cry into the darkness by myself. This is my fault. This is my fault. THIS IS MY FAULT. "It was always my fault." I whisper to myself. Tears streaming down my face are seeing Her.

"Kamala, you did your best to be a hero." Captain Marvel said sweetly. But once again it changes in a second. "But you will never be good enough."

"The accident wasn't my fault. Roxxon did it." I manage to say between sobs.

"Now you sound like a little kid tattle tailing. Quick question, who leads the Champions?" Captain Marvel remarks.

"I am..." I respond.

Captain Marvel snapped her fingers and simply stated, "Then do better this time."

She fades and I'm back at Cole's high well in the basement. "Where are we going," the young girl stated.

"I'm taking you somewhere safe." I say.

Then my commlink starts to talk. "Ms. Marvel, what is the plan?" Nova states. "Have you got her to safety." Wasp, Nadia Van Dyne questions. "Things are really bad up here." Spider-man states. "Get her somewhere safe and come help us." Iron-Heart replies.

I try to tell them something but no sound comes out. They are all counting on me. They are all depending on me but I let them down. They fought under my guidance, but where had that ever got them. My mind flashes forward and shows a hypothetical scenario of all the heroes who weren't there and what could be happening to them right now. Moon Girl being dragged away from her family. Red Locuste and others being dragged away by CRADLE. They could be God knows where. It's your fault. They were depending on you and you let them down. It is your fault. It was and always will be. I head start spinning and I finally wake up. But not to what I was expecting, but much worse. And it was all my fault.

Oof, that was deep. I'm really happy that there seems to be people reading it which is... wow. Thanks for giving my crappy story a try. See you in two weeks -Aura

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