Moving In

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Tenzin picked up his binoculars. Perhaps he miss-saw the quick peck on the lips Kya shared with Lin. Perhaps it was a trick of the light.

He continued watching the Chief's apartment until his original suspicion was confirmed. It was after dinner. The two women were sitting on the couch, Lin's head on Kya's lap. His sister started playing with Lin's hair, running her fingers through the gray locks. She leaned down and kissed Lin, and this time Tenzin could not chock it off as an illusion. He picked up his glider and flew back to Air Temple Island as anger filled his chest.

He landed at the opposite side of the island. He needed to be alone, to take a walk. If he went straight home in this state, he would end up taking his anger out on one of the kids, or worse, Pema.

He shuddered at the thought of enraging his wife. No, I can't do that again. She'll be furious at me for weeks.

Tenzin's thoughts shifted from his wife's potential rage at him, to her potential rage at Kya and Lin, "What will she say about this?" He stated aloud to himself. Tenzin clapped his palm to his forehead and groaned in frustration, "Spirits Lin. You could have dated anyone, anyone, else in the city, and I would not have thought twice about it."

He started to pace quickly, his frustration energizing him, "Out of everyone, a world to choose from, you choose my sister. My SISTER!" Tenzin screamed the last part.

His sudden shouting had caused some flying lemurs to flee the tree he was standing near. This drew him back to reality, "Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe this won't be so bad. I mean, Lin and I happened a long time ago, and I'm with Pema now. It'll be fine. It'll all be fine." His last words were not a fact, but a way of convincing himself to calm down.

"I should head back."


"Can I stay the night?" Kya was now braiding her girlfriend's hair while Lin was watching a pro-bending match on the TV.

"Of course you can. I don't even know why you ask anymore, I mean you have your own key."

"I know, I just want to make sure I give you your space. You wouldn't be the first person to break up with me for taking over their life."

Lin looked away from the television and up at Kya, "I don't need any space from you. The few nights you aren't here, this place feels empty."

The corners of Kya's lips turned up gently, "You don't need any space? That's a dangerous thing to say to me, Lin Beifong. Next thing you know I'll be moving in," Kya teased.

Lin sat up suddenly, "Do it," she said in a serious tone.

"Do what?"

"Move in with me."

Kya's eyebrows rose in surprise, "Are you serious? You want me to move in with you?"

"Yeah, I do," Lin laid back down on Kya's lap, "The truth is, I always want to be with you. I hate when I come home and you're not here. It just... makes sense."

Kya took a moment. The silence was beginning to fill Lin's chest with worry when Kya answered, "We would have to tell people Lin," she paused, "We would have to tell Tenzin."

"I know, and I'm ready. I'm ready to tell everyone," Kya beamed at Lin's confidence. She knew telling people was a big deal, because Lin wasn't just telling people that she and Kya were in a relationship, she was also coming out. I know how scary that is...

Lin interrupted Kya's thoughts, "And I don't think Tenzin will freak out as much as we think he will. It's been a long time since we ended things."

Kya considered for a moment, "I guess you're right," a brief silence followed, in which Kya became giddy. She began giggling.

"What are you so happy about?"

"Nothing, it's just... I'm so excited to tell people. I mean, I love you Lin, and I want everyone to know it."

Lin sat up, causing her braided hair to flop around. She placed her hand on the back of Kya's neck and looked deep into her cerulean eyes. She grinned, "Well then, let's do it."

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