The Move

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"Stay safe Y/N, remember there's tons of creeps out in the world and I'm not gonna have my daughter as one of there victims." Said my mom as she handed me my last bag of stuff, I load it into my car. "Don't worry mom, I'm gonna be fine" I say as I roll my eyes. If any bastard tries to mess with me I've got a good kick and pepper spray. "We love you, let us know when you get there" says my dad, I hug them both with a smile. "I love you guys, and I'll definitely visit soon!" I say as I start my car, my parents wave to me as I head off...and here my life begins. I look back with sadness in my eyes as I drive away from my family home, so many memories there. Some good, some bad, but still memories that will always remain in my mind. I picked a house that isn't to far from my family, because I plan on visiting quite often.  I sigh softly as i drive into the driveway of my new house. Three bedroom, two bathrooms. Pretty standard place for me, I won't be having gaint house parties that's for sure.  I get out with my first box and head into the house, it's as empty as I'll get out...but when I settle I'm sure I can restore this house back to it's natural beauty.  I set the box down and head out back to the car to get more boxes. It approaches evening, and I've managed to have my bed set up, a long with my lamp, nightstand and phone charger. I cooked myself corn dogs, nothing fancy but it's food and I'm exhausted. I eat as I quickly scroll thru my Instagram feed and text my parents goodnight. I finish my food as I walk to my bedroom and flop on the bed. Day one down...fuck knows how many more to go. I snuggle into the covers as I close my eyes and drift off into a well needed sleep.

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