Day 1 | Misplaced Decorations

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Day 1: Midas accidentally misplaced the Christmas decorations and Jules helps him look


Midas was going through the stacks of containers in the storage of The Agency, trying to locate the Christmas decorations. He swore he put them directly in the middle of the room, but they're nowhere to be found.

"Strange... I swear I put them here," He muttered to himself, putting his hands on his hips. The room was dark, but not too dark where he couldn't see anything. 'That could be why I can't find the box.'

As if on cue, the light to the storage room turned on, a familiar face standing at the light switch. He turned around to see Jules standing at the doorway, a confused look on her face. He quickly looked around to see the box still wasn't there.

"What's taking so long? Thought you said the decorations were up here?" She questioned, looking in one of the stray boxes to see what was inside (Answer: she found a collection of items Midas accidentally turned to gold.)

Midas turned to look at what she was doing, quickly walking over and closing said box to hide his mistakes. Jules backed up, raising her hands in defense. "You really can't find them?" Midas nodded, a look of anger on his face. He swore that he put them up here front and center while unpacking and he swore he saw them when he brought the Halloween stuff back up. Did some steal them? No, that's impossible; this place is heavily guarded and has cameras almost everywhere-

"The cameras," He whispered. Jules turned to look at him, taking her head out of yet another box of items (this one was filled with various awards Midas had won in the past, the most notable one being where he got second place to Jules. She really liked taunting him about it.)

"What about the cam- Ooh..." The realization hit her as she closed the bin, "The footage must have some useful information." She ran out of the room, Midas speed-walking after her while keeping his usual uptight composure.

Once they made it up to his office, Jules quickly accessed the security footage, speeding through everything from the past month. The footage didn't show anything nor did the logs beside one notable time last weekend...

Jules went to that specified timestamp, the footage showing a very familiar feline sneaking towards the storage room, walking in, and walking out with the boxes of Christmas decorations. Midas casually walked out of the room, down the stairs, down various hallways, until he reached his destination.

Jules followed his movements through the live feed, carefully watching his path through the halls. He stopped in front of an unmarked door, the cat-themed welcome mat being an indicator as to who's room this was. There were no cameras in the sleeping quarters as a matter of privacy and decency reasons. There was also no audio with these cameras, so Jules had to interpret what was going on through the movements and expressions of the two.

It started as a casual talk, which then elevated to a heated argument, and finally led to Midas shoving past Meowscles to retrieve the stolen boxes, which were in Meowscles's room.

Soon enough, Midas made it back up to his office, his outfit and hair all messed up and his arms covered in scratches. He was also holding the (now slightly damaged) boxes, which was a win for him.

"Did it go well?" Jules jokingly asked, spinning in Midas's desk chair.

The owner of said desk chair did not respond to that question, hoping his current state will be enough of an answer. He dropped the boxes on the floor, excused himself, and left the room, a laughing Jules staying behind to save his dramatic walk away as a personal video.

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