1 The crush

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Ymir's POV-

I woke up to my annoying ass alarm, blaring through my ears. I let out a small 'ughh' as I forced myself out of bed. I was wearing only boxers and sports bra, so I was freezing looking for clothes to wear.

I finally decided to grab a pair of gray sweatpants with a plain white shirt and a flannel.

"First day of senior year, what a shit show this will be", I said quietly to myself.

I brushed my hair putting it into the same low messy ponytail i've been doing for my whole life. I grabbed an apple, my bag, and out the door I went.

I could barley even open my eyes driving to school I was so tired. And when I got there, it was just as I imagined, a total, annoying, shit show.

I took my helmet off and set it on the handle of my motorcycle. I saw 4 girls running over to me. They are the same girls thats been sweating me since like freshman year.

"Oh for fuck sake", I say to myself as they come up to me with bright smiles on their face.

"Hey Ymir!" One of them said. "I missed you over break!" Another said.

"Yeah yeah I missed you guys too", I said to them, lying of course. The only person I missed was Krista.

I've only ever said a few words to her. Not important or crazy words, just the old "Oh hi!" or "How are you?"

I'm going to say something to her though, I mean it. I'm going to have a long conversation with her and it will be so great that we will start having daily conversations in class.

I walk into school and it felt like I took hours just trying to find my locker. When I finally got it, I quickly grabbed the binders I needed for each class. "Ew I have bio first period? Gross!" I said to myself. 

I look up to go to class as I catch a glimpse of Krista walking down the hall. Wow is she beautiful. I felt stopped in my tracks watching her. Just her walking seemed to make me feel butterflies.

Wait, i- is she walking towards me? Maybe she just has to go to the study hall. Krista stopped in front of my locker and looked straight up at me.

"Do you have bio for first period?" She asked kindly. 

"U- um yea I do", I said looking at my schedule even though I already knew I did.

"Great so do I, the bells about to ring so we should go to class before Ms. Zoë gets mad." Krista said as she grabbed my hand pulling me with her to go to class.

Oh. My. Gosh. Krista just grabbed my hand for a quick few seconds. It probably doesn't mean anything to her though. I mean, why would it? We barley talk and she randomly comes up and walk to class with me. She's probably just trying to make new friends.

This is my perfect chance to say something to her. Ok ok, don't embarrass yourself.

"So are you good at bio?" I asked with a shaky voice.

Boom, nailed it.

"No not at all I suck, are you?"

Perfect she's keeping the conversation going. I have to hurry up because we are near the class.

"Kind of, I can help you if you want though", I said confidently.

Shit shit shit, why did I say that she's going to say no-

"Omg that would be a huge help thank you so much Ymir!" Krista said with a smile.

Phew, thank goodness she said yes otherwise I would have died of embarrassment.

We walk into class just before the bell rings.

"Ladies pick a seat", Ms. Zoë said.

I sat in the back of the class next to Sasha and behind Mikasa. Sasha and I have always been good friends. She would always sneak food in and give me some of it throughout the class. That's how we became close.

Krista walked towards the back and took the empty seat to my left.

Oh my gosh, she chose the seat next to me! I mean there's not many seats you could choose from since they were mostly already full, but she chose the open one next to me!

"Hey did you have breakfast?" Sasha asked.

If anyone else asked me this I would consider it pretty weird, but since it's Sasha, it's normal.

"Yea I had an apple on the way here." I say.
Mikasa turned around looking at me with a deranged face.

"How do you ride a motorcycle and eat an apple at the same time, that's dangerous?" She asks.

"Because I'm just cool like that," I said with a wink and a smile at the end.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Krista looking at us listening to out conversation. I even heard her giggle a little. She thinks I'm funny! Krista fucking thinks I'm funny!

I'm like totally fan girling over her... but honestly who wouldn't?

"Girls in the back, quit talking and listen", Ms. Zoë says eyeing us down.

She went off talking about random boring stuff that I didn't even pay attention to.

"Pst, Ymir", Sasha whispered.


"Since you only had an apple, do you want some of the stuff I brought?" Sasha asked, still whispering.

"Yea sure pass it over."

"Ymir I thought I said to stop talking, that's a detention after class!" Ms. Zoë said.

Damn that's harsh, detention on the first day for a dumb reason. I always get detentions so it doesn't bother me too much.

"Whatever", I whisper under my breath.

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