25 The butler

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Krista's POV-

Holy fucking shit Ymir looks so hot in that butler suit. When I say i've never seen anything more attractive than what i'm looking at right now, I fucking mean it.

"Ymir, w- what are you doing here?" I ask blushing harder than i've ever blushed before.

"I uh... I needed another job because the gym wasn't paying me enough. And the manager of this place said I would be a perfect fit for the job so she hired me. I've already gotten crazy tips from different girls and woman... also a couple of men. I've even gotten a few numbers but I obviously declined them. This is my first day here and i've already made more than i'm making at the gym!"

No kidding. Anyone who sees how hot she looks right now would immediately fall in love with her. I'm scared she might meet someone better than me and get her number and like go on dates with her. Only I can do that with her! Honestly, if i didn't know her... I would give her a huge tip as well. No wonder the manager hired her on the spot.

"Oh... that's great Ymir i'm so happy for you!" I say jealous of all of the ladies that have fallen for her.

"Do you guys know each other?" My sister asks, interrupting me starring deeply at her.

"Oh yeah we live togeth-"

"NO WE DON'T! I mean ahhh... n- no we don't, she's just a friend from school." If she was to find out we were living with each other, she would get super suspicious.

"O- ok. Cool!"

"Ymir this is my sister Frieda... Frieda this is Ymir."

The both shake hands and then Ymir goes back to what she was saying.

"Anyways... what can I get you two ladies to drink?"

I was so caught up with staring at how attractive she looked, that I completely missed out on what she said.

"K- Krista? What would you like to drink?"

"O- oh... heh sorry, can I just get a water please?"

"Anything for you my darling", she says taking my hand and kissing the top of it with her soft lips. It was kind of like one of those formal hand kisses that you would give like a queen or something.

Everyone was starring at us out of jealousy.

"Y- Ymir stop that!" I say tilting my head down out of embarrassment.

I could tell that she hadn't done that for anyone else because they were all talking about it saying stuff like "Wow she called her 'my darling'!" or "Oh my god I wish she could kiss my hand."

"You guys seem to be rather... close", Frieda says looking through the menu.

"Y- yeah. She does stupid things like that so it's not weird or anything."

"Here you go", Ymir says handing us our drinks.

"Now what can I get for you today darling?"

"U- um... can I please get the steak and mashed potatoes with green beans on the side please", I say with a shaky voice.

"I'll get the same as her."

"Ok perfect. I'll come back with it as soon as possible", Ymir says putting her hand under my chin, tilting my head up and then rubbing my cheek with her thumb. "You look cute in your fancy little black dress", she says as everyone stares at us. "I'll be back ok?" She leans her head down and kisses my forehead before walking away like nothing even happened.

Oh my goodness this is so embarrassing. I'm blushing super hard... my sister is right in front of us... and everyone is starring wishing they were me.

"Are you guys dating?" Frieda asks in a serious tone.

"W- what? No!" I say blushing even more.

"Then I guess you guys are really good friends if she's kissing you in public like that."

"Y- yeah."

After a while Ymir comes back with our food and places it on our table.

"Krista can you come fix my suit, it feels loose?" She asks after putting the food down.

"Oh uh... yeah."

I stand up and go close to her to look for how to tighten it. To my surprise, as I get a little closer to her, she grabs my hips and pulls me in, smashing her lips against mine.

"I want to make all these people jealous", she whispers in my ear after pulling her lips off of mine.

I turn so red that I rush to the bathroom just to calm my self down.


When I say everyone, I mean literally everyone in the restaurant was looking at us. I even saw a couple of girls punch the table when I ran to the bathroom. Others were just mad and jealous.

What is Frieda gonna say?! How can I tell her we are just friends after she did that?

I walk back to the table and everyone was just staring at me. Some hated me... some looked like they admired me... and others just wished they were me.

"S- sorry about that Frieda", I say with my head down.

"You guys definitely aren't just friends."

"Well... um, we are pretty close... and uh, s- she probably just did it so that other people could stop bothering her."

"Yeah good point", she says digging her fork into her steak.

I let out a sigh before digging into my food. I see Ymir going around to a bunch of different tables while people just stared at her with googoo eyes.

I even saw someone write their number on a piece of paper for her but Ymir kindly declined it which made me feel a lot better.

"How is the food my darling?" She asks sneaking up behind me and rubbing both of my shoulders.

"It's great!" Frieda says as I am unable to speak for myself.

"You know what I would love to see you in Krista?" She says bending her head over to me.

"W- what?"

"A maid costume."

I choke on my food and start coughing like crazy. "W- what?!"

"Well i'm dressed as a butler, and you could be dressed as a maid!"

"Why would I do that?" I ask turning my head so she didn't see my red cheeks.

"Because you would look so adorable and hot at the same time."

"What! No I wouldn't! I'm not doing it i'll look weird!"

"I'll let you top me."

"Y- YMIR!" I say covering her mouth. "I'm not doing it, but please stay in that butler costume when we get home", I whisper in her ear.

"Anything for my Krista", she says laying a soft kiss on my lips.

Now everyone has just accepted that Ymir only has eyes for me and nobody else. And i'm pretty sure Frieda knows it on the inside too because she just stopped saying stuff.

"Here is your check when you're ready ladies", Ymir says placing it on the table.

After we finish paying we see Ymir walk over to us before we leave our seats.

"I'm going to take Krista home", she says grabbing hold of my hand.

Frieda nods and then walks out the door and into her car.

"Want to have fun tonight?" She asks holding my waist close to her.

"W- what do you mean by fun?"

"I think you already know darling", she whispers in my ear.

I look down and blush while she takes her hands off my waist and grabs back ahold of my hand.

"I'm heading home, have a good night!" Ymir says to her boss before walking out the door.

Holy shit if she does it with me in her butler costume, I might just pass out.

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