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Ymir's POV-

"Goooooood morning", Connie says slapping a pancake on top of my plate. "One for you... and one for your girlfriend."

"Shut up Connie she's not my girlfriend", I say cutting into my pancakes.

"Yeah ok... I saw you guys in the pool."

I choke on my water after hearing him say that. "W- what?!"

"Yeah you guys were totally flirting with each other while we were wrestling it was so obvious."

My racing heart calms down after knowing that he didn't actually see us at the end when they all left. "O- oh, haha no we weren't flirting."

I look over at Krista and see her cheeks completely red with blush. She always gets like that after someone says something about us... it's so adorable.

"Yeah w- what are you talking about we don't flirt with each other", Krista says embarrassed.

"See you're blushing, you totally have a crush on Ymir!" He says pointing at her.

"Connie shut up you look like a bald chipmunk", Sasha says with pancakes stuffed in her mouth.

We all laugh and continue to eat and talk amongst one another.

"Once everyone is done with their food, go up to your rooms and grab everything you need... the bus is going to be coming here in about an hour", Ms. Zoë says to all of us.

"Alright you ready?" I ask Krista as I get up to throw my plate away.

Krista nods and we both head out and over to the elevators. While we were in the elevator she interlocks fingers with me and leans her head on my shoulder.

"Ok let's pack our things fast so we don't have to worry about it when the time comes", Krista says racing in to the room. 

Time skip after packing

"Ugh finally", I say falling back onto the bed.

Krista gets onto the bed as well and plops her entire body on top of me. She kisses my neck and then moves her head up and kisses my cheek. 

"Ymir your freckles are so cute", she says rubbing them.

"S- shut up no they aren't." My cheeks were now blushing hard and Krista could easily see it.

She leans her head up and kisses each freckle on my face and then giggles when she's done.

"H- hey what was that?"

"I told you your freckles were cute", she says rubbing my cheek.

"So you wanted to kiss them?"

"Mhm", she nods. "And I think you're cute too, so that means I get to kiss you."

She spreads my arms out wide, interlocking her fingers with both of my hands. She brings her head towards me and smashes her lips against mine, tilting and adding tongue to deepen the kiss.

"I'm a top you know that right?" I say as she moves down to my neck.

"I think I top you pretty good", she smirks.

I let go of her hands and grab her body. I spin her around so that I'm on the top and she's the bottom with her back laying on the bed.

I let out a chuckle as I bring my lips towards hers. As i'm about to kiss her, she pushes my head away from her, making her cute little pouty face once again.

"Not fair, I want to be on top", She says crossing her arms.

"Are you gonna beg me now?"

"W- what no!"

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