34 The snowfall

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Ymir's POV-

"Are you ready", I ask Krista with one of her presents behind her back.

"Yeah!" She shouts.

I kneel down next to her and hand her her first present.

She immediately takes it from me and starts to unwrap the tiny gift.

She opens the little box that was just wrapped and hold up a neckless with my first initial and her first initial.

"Y- Ymir", she says with a kind voice.

"Yes darling?" I ask, giving her a quick soft kiss on her lips.

"This is beautiful, thank you so much", she says holding it with care. She leans over and kisses my nose before wrapping her arms around me.

"My turn!" She says grabbing the farthest present back under the tree.

She places it in my hands and then fidgets with her fingers... exited to see my reaction when I open it.

I unwrap it, leaving a box that said 'fragile' on it. Hmmm? Fragile? What could this girl have gotten me?

I open it up and take out a framed glass photo. I look down at it and see the cutest picture ever of Krista and I. At the bottom of the frame it said 'love' with a little heart next to it.

"This is so sweet Krista... I love it so much", I say placing it down to embrace her in a tight hug.

We ended up giving each other 4 presents each. I got her big teddy bear... matching pajama pants... and a memory book thing that had a bunch of pictures of us and still empty pages so we could fill them out as we spent our lives together.

She got me the same exact teddy bear that I got her at the festival... a few pairs of sweatpants... and a soft blanket that had our names sewn into it.

"Darling." I say with a caring voice as I lean over to give her a tight, caring hug.

"I still have one more", she says reaching behind her to grab a small wrapped box.

"Me too."

I grab my gift and then hold it out in front for her to take. We both exchange and then slowly unwrap it.

I open the tiny box that was wrapped and see a ring that was engraved with her name and a heart.

Wait... this is the exact thing I got her, but with my name and a heart engraved on it?

"Darling... this is the sweetest thing I could ever ask for. I will wear this and never take it off. I promise", I say as I go back to hugging her tightly.

"Ymir this is beautiful... thank you", she says turning around and hugging me back.

"Of course my Krista", I say as I tilt her head up to place my lips against hers.

"Can I put it on you?" She asks taking the ring out my hand.

She grabs my left hand and hold it out. She then slides the ring onto my ring finger and bring my hand up to her lips to kiss it.

"My turn darling."

I slide the ring onto the same finger she slid on me.

"Beautiful", I say kissing the top of her hand.

She leans over and kisses my nose before tackling me in a hug.

"I love you Ymir."

"I love you too my darling", I say after kissing her warm lips.

Our eyes get caught by the snow that starts falling outside the window.

"IT'S SNOWING!" She says shooting up and grabbing her coat.

She's so adorable.

I grab her hand and walk outside. The snow falls on top of our heads and gets in our hair. One piece of snow lands on top of my noes.

"Come here", Krista says pulling me down by my neck.

She stands on her tippy toes and gives my noes a soft kiss... taking the piece of snow off.

We continue to walk outside as the snow falls down harder on us. It wasn't like a snow storm or the snow was going everywhere. It was a nice, calming snow fall.

"The snow is beautiful", she says holding her hand out to catch it.

"Like you darling."

She interlocks fingers with me and leans her head against my shoulder as we stop near a bench and take a seat. Krista lays her head down on my lap and faces upwards to look at me.

She reaches her hand up and plays with my lips and hair as I look down at her with caring eyes.

"You're so pretty", she says feeling the bottom of my chin.

I cup her cheek with my hand and rub her cheek with my thumb.

"You are beyond words darling."

She takes arms and wraps it around the top of my neck... pulling me down to meet just in front of her face.

Since she was laying upwards on my lap, it was hard for me to bend down too much. But I didn't mind.

She leans up and softly presses her lips against mine. We kiss for minutes upon minutes as the snow covered us.

This is the best thing I could ever ask for... spending Christmas with my beautiful lover... kissing her out in the snow... wearing a ring that she got me.

"Merry Christmas darling", I say as we slowly pull our lips off of each other.

"Merry Christmas my beautiful Ymir. I love you... so much. Forever and always."

Forever and always.

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