28 The hardship

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⚠️Trigger warning! There will be blood, body pain, and broken bones in this chapter⚠️

Ymir's POV-

Come back. Please. Just for a moment. Just so I can tell you I love you. Please.

I lied in bed, starring at the ceiling in complete emptiness. It was about 2 am. I texted Krista 15 times asking if we could see each other and if she was ok.

I never texted her saying that I loved her though. I wanted to tell her that in person.

I have to do something. I can't let this happen. I need to see her. She isn't answering her phone and I presume her dad is with her at her house.

I can't take any chances. If I go to see her right now and her dad is with her... it will just make everything the more difficult.

But if I could just find a way to meet her eye to eye for just a few second to tell her I loved her... that would be all I could ask for.

Ymir texting Krista

Ymir- 12:02 am
Hey Krista are you ok?
Please just send a word or something just to let me know you're ok.
Can we meet with each other please.
I miss you so much.
You mean the world to me.
Please tell me you're ok.
Please darling.
Ymir- 1:32 am
Please let me know that you're safe.
I will text you everyday just to make sure you're okay even if you won't respond.
Please take care of yourself.
I'm coming back for you soon.
I promise I will never let anything happen to you.
Hold Mr. Bear tight until we see each other again.
I don't know when that will be, but I promise we will see each other soon.
I promise.

I got no response. I stayed awake the whole night, filled with only sadness and nothing else.

The weekend passed by slower than ever. No response from Krista. I still haven't gone to see her yet. I was so scared that her dad would see us and get even more protective of her.

Time skip

Krista wasn't at school today. The only reason I went was for her. Everyone at school was worried about me and said I looked pale and sick. They said I should go home and take today off.

I said no because if there was even a 1% chance that Krista could come to school late. Then I am willing to wait as long as I can.

But I was wrong. She wasn't there. She didn't come late. Nobody knew what happened to her but me.

I'm going to do it today though. I'm going to sneak to her house and meet her.

I will do anything I possibly can just to see her beautiful face. I will sneak over as many times as I can if that's the only chance I get to look into her angelic eyes. Even if it's just for a few seconds. I just want to see her and tell her I love her. I just want to look into her eyes and know everything is going to be ok.

Time skip 11:00 pm

It's time. I'm going to do it. I'm going to see my darling.

I can't use my motorcycle because it will be too loud. I'm just going to have to walk over. It'll take a couple hours but i'll walk 100 miles if it means I get to see you in the end.

time skip once again

I made it in front of her apartment. She lived all the way at the top. Which was a long way up since the apartment was huge.

Her apartment was made of brick so I was going to have to climb up it to make it to her window. I can't just walk in to her house because her dad's car is here, so climbing up was my only option.

I place my hand on the brick that stuck out the most, which really wasn't even that much to grab hold of.

I hoist myself up, now only about a couple feet off the ground. Ok. Next brick. I reach my left hand up and grab onto the next brick with only my finger tips. I pull myself up but I have no place to put my feet, so I was just hanging by my fingertips, I wasn't high up at all though so it was ok.

I pull myself high enough with all of my upper body strength so I can reach onto the next brick. I again was only holding myself up by my fingertips.

Holy shit this apartment is so fucking high. She lives on the top floor. I remember how many flights of stairs her dad had to go down to throw me out. The neighbors were probably so annoyed since I kept screaming at him.

Alright next brick. I pull up with all my might and grab hold of the other brick, I was now probably 20 feet high. I reach up for the next brick but my hand slips and I fall straight down, landing my back into the cement.


My hands were all bloody and my back was completely dead... but I can't stop now.

I climb up and reach about 15 feet high before falling back down, crashing my back into the cement.

I wanted to scream out in pain so loudly, but I can't let her dad hear me.

I get up again and start climbing. About 12 feet high, I plunge back, colliding my back on the cement once again.

Tears form in my eyes as I continue to get back up and climb. My hands were completely covered in blood along with my legs and arms.

Every brick I grabbed onto felt like a blade sticking through my fingers. It was so hard to bare.

I reach 20 feet, the maximum height i've reached so far.

Ok. Easy now.

I reach my hand up and grab onto the second brick. I hold on for a little bit before pulling myself up. My body was so weak, I don't think I can pull myself up anymore without falling.

But I have to keep going.

Tears fell 22 from the air and on to the cement.

I reach my left hand up and grab a thin brick that barely gives any room.

P- pull... up!

I use all of the might I could to pull myself up. But it wasn't good enough. I was too weak. My body was too weak.

I fall back and plunged to the ground, colliding my back and head into the cement.

"AGHHHHHHHH!" I scream out in horrific pain as blood spreads everywhere on the side walk.

If I didn't put my arms behind me to catch my fall, I would have broken my back and damaged my head.

I broke my right arm and my left arm was fractured. My back was completely damaged and I was covered from head to toe in blood. Everything was weak. Everything. I couldn't see straight because of hitting my head.

22 feet was only half way up. Shit.

I'm going to have to endure every single ounce of pain in my body for her. But right now it's just useless. I am so weak and hurt. I'm going to have to come back tomorrow.

Sorry my darling... I'll be back for you tomorrow night.

I promise.

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