23 The confession

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Ymir's POV-

Krista and I were both laying next to each other on the same bed, facing one another with our heads nearly touching.

"Ymir your eyes looks so beautiful", Krista says putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's night time how can you even see them?"

"Because they are too bright to ignore", she says leaning her head closer to mine, causing our foreheads to touch.

"I want to kiss you Ymir", Krista says cupping my cheek with her hand.

I do the same to her, cupping my hand on her cheek and using my thumb to rub her soft, gorgeous skin.

"Your skin feels so nice", I say now using the side of my pointer finger to rub up and down her cheek.

"Would you like to kiss it?" Krista asks using her thumb to rub my bottom lip.

I nod.

Krista closes her eyes as I lean over, kissing her cheek a few times, then moving onto her forehead... kissing it a few times as well. After her forehead I move to her other cheek and give it a few kisses while rubbing her other cheek with my thumb. I move onto her nose, kissing it twice. Then finally, I wrap my arm around her body, I pull her in closer to me so that our bodies are touching, and I slowly lay a kiss on her soft lips.

The kiss lasted so long, probably the longest kiss we have ever had. It was soft and passionate, and her tongue was perfectly placed at the right times and her lips moving in relation towards mine felt so calming.

After our kiss we pulled back and looked at each other with caring eyes.

"You make me feel so happy Ymir", Krista says petting the back of my head.

"You make me feel more than happy Krista."

"What do you feel then?" She asks basically trying to edge me on into saying what I know I shouldn't say to her.

Love. I feel love Krista.

"Something indescribable", I say taking her hand off of my head and placing it onto my heart. "Can you feel it?"

"Your boob?" Krista says confused.

"No!" I say giggling. "My heart."

"I can feel it beating, really fast."

"You make my heart race Krista", I say taking her hand off.

She takes my hand in her's and then slowly brings it down to her chest. "Can you feel mine?" She asks obviously knowing that her heart it beating like crazy.

"Y- yea", I say keeping my hand on her chest.

"My heart can't control itself around you either, I don't know why."

"I know why mine does", I say taking my hand off of her chest and wrapping it around her body.

"W- why?" She says trying even harder to get me to say it.

Because I love you... god damn it i'm fucking in love with you Krista.

"Because when i'm around you I feel a certain way."

"What... way?" Krista asks bringing her head closer to mine.

"A way regular friends don't feel."

Come on just say it Ymir you're such a baby.

"I- I think I understand... because I think... I think that I have the same feeling you do." Krista says bringing my hand up to her face, allowing me to cup her cheek, and then she holds my hand there and rubs it.

"R- really?"

She nods and then digs her head into my chest, wrapping her arm around me and putting her outside leg in between my two legs.

"I want to stay here with you forever", she says squeezing me tighter.

"Me too darling."

I kiss the top of her head, and then wrap my arms around her securely. And with that, I fell happily asleep... with the one I love.

A/N sorry this was short but i just thought it was so cute and getting them to kinda admit their feelings was like adorable the way they did it, that was the end of part 2 for this story and i believe next part will be the last part unless i decide to keep going, thank you guys!

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