13 The date

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Ymir's POV-

Krista was fast asleep on my chest, she looks like an angel when she sleeps. Her eyes look so beautifully rested, her nose is so cute, her lips look so soft, she looks gorgeous.

Thank god it's Sunday. If it wasn't she would have to get up off of me, but I want to stay like this forever.

I look over at the time, '9:26 am'.

Hm. Maybe I should get up and make us breakfast. But I don't want to disrupt her sleeping.

I slowly slide her off of me and onto the side of the bed. I get up and walk into to her kitchen.

"Let's see what we have here", I say to myself while opening the food cabinets.

Woah. She has a lot of food. Or maybe it's a normal amount and I just have nothing.

I reach and grab whatever my hand touches first. Hm, pancake mix, i'll make her that.

I started making it and when I got to making the shape I totally fucked up. That pancake literally looks like a deformed cylinder, but whatever. 

When they were done I made a smiley face on top of all of them with chocolate chips.

"There", I said satisfied.

I walk back into Krista's room and go to her bed. I lean down so I can tell her I made breakfast, but she's not even there in her bed.

"Krista?" I say walking back into the kitchen.

"Ymir!" She says coming out from nowhere and jumping on me to give me a hug.

"Hey I made you breakfast", I say holding her up in my arms.

Her eyes lit up like she was going to burst.

"Ymir you're so sweet", she says kissing my forehead.

Geez i'm blushing hard right now that's embarrassing. I put her down and she runs to the table where the food is like a kid on Christmas morning. She really is such an adorable human being.

"Ymir where's yours?" She said sitting down in her chair.

"Oh i- i'm not hungry, i'll just have like an apple or something", I say looking around for the fruit.

I watch her as she just looks at the pancakes I made.

"Pancakes are meant to be eaten not stared at", I say finally finding an apple.

"The face you made on them is really cute", she says looking over at me with a soft smile.

I blush with a smile and then go to sit next to her.

"Here you can have one since you made me three and you're only having an apple", she says stuffing her face with the first one.

"No it's ok, this apple is uh, v- very... good", I say looking down at the table.

"Ymir you haven't even taken a bite out of it yet", she says lifting my head up from my chin.

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