New Place

369 22 12


John's POV

   I sighed as I unlocked the door to my new apartment and looked inside. It was a huge penthouse and I already hate it. My father told me I needed to live in a big apartment to show others that I'm rich and there because I'm gonna be great but... I wasn't accepted in this college on merit. I don't deserve this. I should give my spot to Alexis. She deserves my life more than I do. She deserves a loving girlfriend or boyfriend, to go to a good college, to not have to worry about herself and her brother all the time. She deserves the world and I don't. Speaking of Alexis, I need to call her. I pulled out my phone and called her. She answered pretty quickly and I smiled when I saw her. She was sitting up and typing on her laptop. "Hey. I was gonna call you when I landed but the airport was crazy."
   "That's ok. I've been writing poems."
   "Hey, you're sitting up!" I smiled, she giggled and nodded.
   "Yeah. The doctor came in and made me sit up." She giggled, I smiled and stared for a minute. She was really pretty, even if she didn't think so. Her curly red hair tied up in a messy bun and her glasses slipping off her pointed nose. She was still wearing a hospital gown and she still had cuts all over her face but she was beautiful. "Can I see your new place?"
    "Uh...Yeah. We can take the tour together." I chuckled, I turned the camera around and sighed. "It's really big so-"
   "That's ok." She smiled. We took the tour and Alexis said she thought it was cute. I smiled and looked around...
   "Maybe this won't be so bad."
   "Yeah! You'll be fine. It'll all be ok." She smiled.
   "How can you be so optimistic?" I asked, sinking onto the couch.
   "I just-...My whole life has been surrounded by bad but if I can do one little thing to make it good then...why not do it?"
   "I really admire you, Alexis. You're so strong. I think I'd crumble if I was in your position." I mumbled guiltily.
   "You're strong in your own way, John." She smiled.
   "You have a strong heart. A lot of love." She hummed, I chuckled and rubbed the back of my neck. "Hey, Jamie. How was work?"
   "Fine." I heard James grumble. "Is that John?"
   "Yeah. Hey...Can I tell him?"
   "Tell me what?" I frowned.
   "Uh...I guess." James sighed.
   "Well-" Alexis grinned. "As soon as I'm back on my feet we're moving to America!" She announced, giggling and wincing a bit.
   "Really! Where?"
   "New York. That's where you said you were, right?"
   "YAY!" She giggled, James chuckled and sat on the edge of his bed.
   "It'll be, at least, a week or so before we can go so chill out." James chuckled, Alexis winced a bit and sighed. "I'll go get you some water." James left the room and Alexis sighed heavily.
   "Hey...Can you tell me about it?" James had given me a mission this morning. I need to get Alexis open up about what happened.
   "Tell you about what?"
   "You know what, Lexis." She sighed and fiddled with her hospital gown. "You can talk to me. I promise. What happened to you is awful and I'm here for you but I can't be if you don't tell me about it." I sighed.
   "I can't."
   "Why not?"
   "Because...I don't remember." She looked away and I sighed.
   "I know you remember, Alexis. Just talk to me."
   "I don't wanna talk about it!" She snapped, I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.
   "Ok." I smiled.
   "That's it?"
   "That's it. I'm not gonna push you to tell me something you don't want to. I just-...I care about you, Alexis, and I just wanna make sure you're ok."
   "I'm-...I can't." She sniffed.
   "I've got water!" James announced as he entered the room, Alexis and I laughed and he handed her the small cup. She drank it and smiled.
   "Thanks, Jamie." He ruffled her hair and I smiled lightly. "John, can we play Minecraft?"
   "No, sorry. My PC is in-" I checked the tracker and sighed. "-Virginia right now. Along with the rest of my shit and it won't get here until Monday."
   "Sorry." I sighed.
   "It's ok." She smiled.
   "If it's ok with you two, I'd like to spend some quality time with my sister?" James chuckled lightly.
   "Definitely. Bye, Alexis."
   "Can I call you later?"
   "Yeah. Bye."

   My phone was chiming so I answered it and Alexis' face popped up. She was lying down and her glasses weren't on her face. "Hi." She mumbled.
   "What's wrong?" I frowned.
   "I have to sleep." She mumbled, I chuckled a bit and sighed.
   "If it's any consolation I don't have sheets or blankets. It's all in Virginia." I huffed, Alexis giggled and I sighed heavily.
   "Aw, poor baby. Your apartment is like a mini mansion and you don't have sheets?"
   "Shut up." I grumbled, Alexis giggled and she coughed a bit. "Are you ok?"
   "Yeah...My meds are wearing off." She huffed.
   "Still don't wanna talk about it?" She shook her head and I sighed. "Ok. I'm here when you're ready." I smiled, she nodded a bit and yawned.
   "When do you start college?"
   "In a month."
   "You'll have to tell me all about it."
   "I will. I promise." I smiled, she giggled and sighed heavily. "Something wrong?"
   "What's up?"
   "I have to pee." She grumbled.
   "Then go."
   "I can't without a nurse."
   "Then get a nurse."
   "They'll send a male nurse."
   "What! Why?"
   "Because Nevis sucks ass." She huffed.
   "I'm gonna come down there and kick everyone's ass-"
   "No. You won't, loser. It's fine." I sighed and flopped on my bed.
   "But I wanna." I mumbled, Alexis giggled and sighed.
   "Alright. I have two options. Get manhandled now and still have my pride or piss myself and get manhandled later."
   "I say manhandled now." I sighed, Alexis groaned and reached over. There was a small beep and Alexis sighed.
   "I'm gonna mute myself."
   "Ok. Be careful." She nodded and the door opened, the sound shutting off. I put my phone down out of respect and laid back. After a few minutes I heard Alexis saying something and a door shut so I picked up my phone. "All good?"
   "Yeah. James is gonna be mad when he finds out I was bitching to the nurse again." She sighed.
   "Eh, they should've sent a female nurse. You have a right to bitch."

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