Chapter One

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Jadyn's POV

Dear Jay,

I just wanted to tell you that you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. I never saw this coming, but it did. Now I'm head over heels for you. We have been through thick and thin together and it seems that every day I spend with you I just keep on falling into this hole where you are everything that I need. It seems that I just keep on falling more, and more in love with you. With every smile you give me. That laugh that just make me feel like everything will be alright if I'm with you. I don't know what I would do without you. I think that if I can't get you back I would feel like there is some part of my soul that I can never get back, because it followed you when you walked out the door that day. I know this is letter is all touchy-feely, but I seriously don't care, because without you I can never be the same.

With Love Forever,


It wasn't that long ago that I saw him at that party. Who would've thought that a few years later this would be what he was telling me. He was never really that kind of person. He was just the kind of person that had girlfriends but never actually fell in love with them. Anyways, let's start from the beginning.


I'm not really the party type I just go to fit in with everyone else. There is always at least a couple guy who come up to me, and try to get me to sleep with them. They just assume that I'm drunk, but I'm not drunk at all I'm only drinking soda. It seems as if guy have zero self-respect, but isn't every guy like that. I was heading to go to the bathroom when I saw my best friend, Kasey, walk through the front door. I quickly ran up to her and gave her the biggest hug ever. When my chin was on her shoulder I sighed and whispered in her ear, "Thank God you're here Kase. I'm miserable without you by my side."

"Well that's totally flattering Jay, but yeah right have you seen yourself tonight you look HOT." She emphasized hot like she was some freshman guy seeing at cute girl for the first. I didn't really get dresses all fancy for this party I just threw on my Black V-neck, camo jogger pants, and my black Jordans. It didn't seem like it was that important to get dressed all fancy, for this lame High School party that will be forgotten by Monday. Suddenly I couldn't keep holding down the urge to pee I felt like my bladder was about to explode.

"Sorry Kase, but I seriously gotta go pee. I'll catch up with you later." I quickly rushed to the closest bathroom I could find, but the one on the first floor was already being occupied. So I ran up the stairs and went to the one on the second floor. Once I finished using the bathroom I felt extremely relieved that I had used the bathroom. I was walking down the hall to go back down stairs to the party when I saw this guy in the room by himself. I quietly approached the door. I saw that the door was slightly ajar and I just pushed it open all the way. At first he didn't notice that I was in there until I cleared my throat. Once I had done that I wish that I could have taken that back and just walked away instead of opening the door and look like a stalker. It was way too late for that. Bringing me back to reality he said in a whisper

"I didn't know that anyone was there."

"I'm sorry for bothering you, but why are you all alone in here." I slowly approached the bed and sat beside him.

"My girlfriend just broke up with me."

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"Its fine I saw it coming. I just don't know why it bothers me so much when I knew it was bound to happen. I knew she was cheating on me and yet I still stayed with her." When I heard him say that I just put my hand on top of his to try and comfort him. When this happened at first he did flinch. But then he just handed me the bottle of Vodka. I took the bottle from his hand and took a large gulp. At first it did sting, but then I just felt the liquid sooth me little by little. I handed him back the bottle and he took a sip then he said "I think that I've seen you around school."

I didn't really know if I have seen him around but I just looked at him as sincere as I could and said "Me too." We kept talking and passed the bottle back and forth talking about school, our family. All that's running through my mind during this conversation is how good looking and attractive this guy is. With his dark brown hair and these blue eyes that just seem to glisten in this light, his muscles rippling under his shirt. At some point we got closer to each other and then he started to lean in to my face. I also started to lean in a little closer. There should be a million things on my mind right now like I don't even know his name, but right now this is the most fun I have ever had at a party. He finally closed the space in between us and kissed me. At first it was just a quick peck, but then he started kissing me more intensely. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lifted me up and laid me down on the bed. He got on top of me and started to take off his shirt when suddenly someone slammed the door open and standing at the door was a girl in a black dress yelling at the guy I was just making out with saying. "What the fuck are you doing with her? We just broke up and you already found some slut to sleep with instead of chasing after me." When she said that I felt so furious that she just called me a slut I would have never let him take my virginity like that. I just got caught up in the moment. I got off the bed and went up to her and slapped her so hard that everyone in the hallway looked at us. I ran down the stairs and walked out the door and got in my car and drove off.

I know you guys are seriously hating on me right now for  publishing and un publishing then publishing it and in publishing it and then finally publishing it again. But in all honesty it was a phase and I just need some time off of writing to realize that this story was great as it was. That's how I got all of you guys to even read my story in the first place so why change it. Hopefully this time around we'll be golden.

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