
29 2 0

Age 20

I broke my arm today. If there's a record for breaking your arm in the stupidest way I would probably win.
It was so embarrassing.
I was on my way to visit my parents for the weekend after an exhausting week at college.
It was dark, and since it's January it was icy. Me being tired just added to my misfortune.
I was walking up the slightly sloped street where my house is when I slipped  and fell, crushing my right arm in the process. All that could be heard was an extremely loud crack and I knew that I was pretty much screwed.
Not only that, but because it was icy and the street was at a slight slope, I started sliding back down the street while still on the ground. I only stopped sliding down when I rammed into someone's garbage can.

I spent a good 15 minutes laying beside the garbage can because I couldn't get up due to the pain of my arm being essentially destroyed.
After laying there for what felt like forever and contemplating the meaning of life and why things like this must happen, I saw lights coming towards me.
Was I dying and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel?
No. It turns out that those were the headlights of my girlfriend's parent's car.
The car stopped and out came Violet's mother, clearly concerned that there was somebody laying down beside a garbage can on the footpath in the dark.
And let's just say that she was quite surprised to find out that it was her daughter's boyfriend.

After a few minutes of trying to get me to stand on my own two feet again, I made my way into her car. She drove up to my parent's house and told me to stay in the car.
She got out and went to get my parents, who, after thanking her, took me in their car to the hospital where I was told that my bone is broken so badly that a cast isn't enough and that I need surgery.
At least I broke my right arm instead of my left one so I can still write this.

So here I am, in hospital, due to get surgery in two hours. A very concerned Violet has already visited me after her mom told her what happened and drove her here.
She's gone out now to get herself some coffee from one of those hospital coffee machines. I don't imagine that the coffee here is very good, but she did seem like she needed some caffeine to keep her awake. I told her to go home if she's tired, but she's refusing, even though it's very late. She said that she's planning to stay the night here to make sure that I'm okay once the surgery is over. Honestly, how did I deserve to be with somebody this amazing? If I'm even one percent as amazing in her eyes as she is in mine, I think that I have won the lottery of life.

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