xXxKY0RYU_Y0L0xXx has joined the game.

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A yellow can of Mountain Dew crashed onto the shore of Kyo-Koro. Yellow smoke arose from the crash site. As the smoke began to clear, a human, clad in yellow, crawled out of the can. -"What in the name of Monty Oum's-?"- He is interrupted by Nyran, the Brotector of Shipping.

"Welcome to the MLG island of Biokid Nui, Toa Kyoryu, Master of Shipping. We, the Brohunga of this land, are currently under siege from the Shulk Spoders, fierce creatures that have strength in numbers, armed with four backslashing claws, capable of supernoscoping even the edgiest of Brohunga. You were sent here, along with five other heroes, to save us from this ongoing threat by the great Turaga Vuhii, wise elder of the Brohunga. You got all of that?"- The Brotector finally finishes.

"Uh-huh."- Says Kyoryu, noscoping his 1138th Shulk Spoder. -"Now if you don't mind, I'm gonna- BRAVE IN!"

Kyoryu pulls out a yellow battery, and presses a button on it, charging it up with BRAVERY! Then, he inserts the battery into a yellow-and-black dinosaur-themed revolver.

"GABURINCHO! DEINOCHASER!"- The Gaburevolver announces.

"KYORYU CHANGE!"- Says Kyoryu, spinning the barrel on the side of the Gaburevolver.

"FIRE!"- He shouts, pointing the weapon at the skies above. A yellow spandex suit materializes around Kyoryu, along with a helmet to match.

"HITORO KEI! JOCHOU NO YUUSHA! KYORYU YELLOW!"- He says. Yellow subtitles appear before him, reading, -"HEAR OUR ROAR! THE REDUNDANT HERO! KYORYU YELLOW!"

After striking a pose, "Shijou Saikyou No Brave" is heard, along with yellow Baysplosions behind him.


Kyoryu prepares to charge at the Shulk Spoders. -"AERU ZE! {IT'S GONNA GET WILD!} KORO MIRI NA! {TRY AND STOP US!}"- Kyoryu and Nyran noscoped as many as 9001 Shulk Spoders that day, before the remaining ones retreated.

"How did I do that, exactly?"- Asks Kyoryu after his suit disapoofs.

"Beats me."- Says Nyran. -"Maybe it was the power of a great force, known simply as... /Lateral Bicep Movement/. Now, Kyoryu, we must gather and unite the /other/ Toa and Brotectors if we wish to save the island and cleanse it of the Shulk Spoders once and for all."

"Got that."- Kyoryu nodded, his Japanese emo Anime Anakin Skywalker hair moving in the wind.

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