1 (Dream?)

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"Can you pinch me once, Eva?"
"Will you please stop now Anna?! Yes, we ARE going to South Korea! I have already pinched you like thousands times already..."

Anna jsut nodded and looked outside of the window. She is now in a taxi, going to the airport with her bestfriend, Eva. She is really excited that she already asked her friend a thousands times if they are really going to South Korea to meet her dream boys, her idols, Exo..

Okay I am not dreaming. It's alright. I am really going to meet EXO. EXO. NOT ALRIGHT. MY HEART IS GOING TO BURST ANY MOMENT NOW. OH NO!

Anna and Eva are friends for 5 years. And actually they became bestfriends for kpop. Even though they don't stan the same kpop group. Eva stans Monstax and on the other hand Anna stans Exo. But both of them kinda share same mentality. They both are crazy fangirls when it comes to their groups though it's not same. But they both respect each other's choice and obviously respect the other group.

They planned to go to Korea from the very 1st year of their friendship. And they even started saving money together to go to Korea and see their idols and attending concerts etc etc.

Not like Eva was angry with Anna a while ago. She is just also so excited as Anna and also wondering even it is real or a dream!

Breaking all of their thoughts their taxi arives at the airport. Though they both are way too much excited for even breathe normally still they somehow managed to do all the formalities and finally relax on their seats.

Countdown starts...

After a loooong journey (it was too long for them as they were so much excited) at last they arrived. They are tired, nervous, excited, happy, they are feeling many emotions at the same time.

"At first going to our apartment right?" Anna asked while waiting for their luggages. "Yeah" Eva replied her with a tired voice.

They are staying in Seoul for 25 days. So they rented an apartment for one month with the help of internet.

They took a taxi to their apartment's address. Actually both of them learned korean for last 2.5 years just for this time. So now they can easily make a conversation in korean.

"Wah, okay just perfect for one month, isn’t it?" "Yup, I liked it too Eva" she winked at her.

So as it is just for one month so they just rented a small apartment. There are one bedroom with a big bed which both can easily share, a kitchen  not so big and not so small, a dining room with a small dining table and four chairs, a living room with a 3 seated couch and a floor bed.

"I am taking shower first. You can unpack your stuffs first. Okay?" "Okay" Eva replied Anna with a smile.

After both taking shower and unpacking stuffs it is already 7pm. And they are really hungry now.

"Let's go and eat something now, Anna. My stomach is really upset now" Eva said holding her plain stomach with sad eyes.

"Okay okay no need to give that look. I am hungry too" Anna laughed at her friend.

They thought korean foods are really tasty and they will enjoy korean foods a lot. But actually they were wrong. Well they are tasty but for the girls they didn’t match with their taste. So sad!

They both decided they will just cook at their apartment. But not this time, they are way too tired for cooking today. So they ate this time and buy some groceries for later and came back home.

Yeah home. Home for less than a month. But why am I feeling like I will miss THIS home one day? Anna thought as they entered their apartment.

"Tomorrow we both are free, I want to rest tomorrow, Eva. What will you do?" Anna asked as they lay in their bed to sleep. "Me too. I just want to sleep tomorrow and the next day I will go with my schedule." Both of them chuckled at the last line.

They really made their schedule because they don’t want to waste any moment.

"Okay then, good night chingu." "Good night and do see dream of exo specially Chanyeol." Eva winked at Anna and she laughed. Yeah Chanyeol is her bias, the reason she bacame an exo-l..

Anna took her phone. At lock screen there is a photo of Chanyeol, single. And at home screen there is a group photo of 9 of them. She just stared at the group photo for a few seconds then said good night to all of them. It’s a regular routine of her. But the difference is today she is too much close with them. In same country, same city.

I wish it’s all true. Anna thought before sleeping. I wish i will be still in Seoul when I will wake up tomorrow morning. I wish it’s not a DREAM.

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