Chapter 2 [edited]

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Hey y'all! If body dysmorphia, eating disorders, etc. are too much for you to read, than I would suggest clicking off of this book. This book contains lots of it, so I hope you know what you can read.

Alright, that's it! Continue reading :)


Alisha carefully slipped out of her bed. Everyone was asleep. She grabbed her thick, woolen cloak, carefully treading out of her dorm room. The crackling fire in the Slytherin common room was now put out, the dungeons completely quiet except for Alisha's steady breaths. She made her way out of the common and room, climbing up the stairs to the main hallway.

Alisha slipped past Filch, who was very close to falling asleep. Her cloak was a dark gray, helping her blend into the night. Mrs. Norris seemed to be patrolling a different corridor that night, so Alisha was in luck. Not that it mattered; Alisha snuck out every night in order to wallow in her feelings. She was practically an expert at sneaking around Hogwarts, maybe even more of an expert than the Weasley Twins.

Alisha made her way into the huge prefect's bathroom. She walked forward, taking off her cloak. She stopped in her tracks, turning to the side. She walked closer to the mirror, letting out a heavy breath. Despite Alisha's usual confident exterior, she absolutely hated herself. Emma always tried to convince her that Alisha was perfect, but her efforts went into Alisha's ear and straight out of the other.

Tears filled Alisha's eyes slowly as she gazed at her reflection, her own mind convincing her that she was too fat and too ugly. Her hands ran over her stomach, tears starting to stream down her face. A small, quiet sob escaped her mouth. She let out a shaky breath as her hands moved from her stomach to her chin, then down to her neck. Her eyes never left the mirror as she observed her body. Her hands moved back to her stomach, where she gripped the cloth of her shirt tightly. She crouched down to the floor, silent sobs wracking her body.

The sound of the door opening slightly made Alisha snap her head up. She quickly wiped her tears away, standing up. Her breath caught in her throat as Draco Malfoy entered the bathroom, a smirk on his face. His smirk fell as he set his eyes on Alisha.

"Were you crying?"

Alisha shook her head, looking down.

"Yes you were. I'm not stupid," Draco said, stepping forward. Alisha let out a heavy breath, grabbing her cloak.

"Just mind your business, Malfoy," she muttered, pushing past him aggressively. Alisha left the bathroom in a hurry, trying not to let any more tears stream down her face.


The next morning, Alisha trudged up to the Great Hall. Like usual, she hadn't got any sleep the night before.

Emma looked up from the Hufflepuff table to see her best friend enter the Great Hall. Her eyes were red and puffy again, making Emma sigh. She got up, making her way towards the Slytherin table, where Alisha was now seated.

"Alisha," Emma called out. Alisha looked up at her, furrowing her eyebrows. She got up, standing in front of Emma. "What's up?" she asked. Emma tilted her head, a sad look on her face. Before either of the friends could say anything, Draco snarled in their direction.

"Go to your own table, you filthy little mudblood," he spat. Alisha whipped around, her eyes burning with rage. "Shut it, Malfoy!" she growled. Draco chuckled dryly, standing up. Alisha grabbed her wand, shoving it into his chin.

"Alisha!" Emma exclaimed in shock Draco let out a slight whimper as she struggled to keep a confident expression. Alisha slowly dropped her wand to the side, ready to turn away when she heard Draco laugh slightly. She whipped around once again, her fist connecting with his face. They were interrupted by Professor McGonagall hurrying towards them.

"Ms. Norman! We do not use violence at Hogwarts. Go to Professor Snape's office immediately!" she stated. Alisha rolled her eyes, dropping her arm back to her side. She tucked her wand back into the pocket of her robes, walking away with her head held high.


I hope you liked this chapter!

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Stay cool, Anika<3

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