Chapter 6 [edited]

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It was now Alisha's last day of obeying Draco. Or as she liked to call it, pure torture. The boy hadn't let Alisha out of his sight; she was forced to spend the entire week with him and his gang. But what bothered Alisha the most was that she hadn't been able to talk to Emma since before she made the deal with Draco. Her emotions were all piled up inside her, and she was so close to just completely exploding.

Alisha, Draco, Blaise, Goyle, Crabbe, Pansy, and Theodore walked down the hallway, on their way to Defense Against the Dark Arts. As Emma was passing by, she shot Alisha a sad look, earning a hopeless glance from Alisha. She just wanted to be in the comfort of her best friend again. Draco snarled as Emma walked past them.

"Stupid little mudblood," Draco muttered. Alisha stopped in her tracks, making the rest of them stop as well. Draco furrowed his eyebrows, a sour look appearing on his features.

"What?" he asked. Alisha glared at him, making him smirk slightly.

"You know what? It's your last day! We've got to go out with a bang," he said, tapping his chin in fake thought. Alisha rolled her eyes.

"Go call the Lukasiak girl a mudblood. Put her in her place," he spat. Alisha's jaw dropped. She took a deep breath before slamming her bag down to the floor.

"ENOUGH!" she bellowed. Draco opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by Alisha yelling again.

"I'M SICK AND TIRED OF THIS! Yeah, I agreed to do this to get out of another detention, but I refuse to insult my best friend. Emma has SAVED MY LIFE, and I would rather DIE than lose her. I can take a little pain if it means I get to keep my lifeline. WHAT'S A LITTLE SCAR ON MY HAND WHEN EVERYDAY IS A STRUGGLE FOR ME? JUST PISS OFF, MALFOY!"

Alisha grabbed her bag, shoving past Draco, who stood in the hall with a shocked look on his face. He wasn't the only one. Everyone in the hall whispered and stared as Alisha stormed off, towards her dorm.

"Alisha, wait!" Emma called. She ran towards her best friend. Alisha stopped walking as she felt Emma's hand on her shoulder. She turned around as she was pulled into a bone-crushing hug.

"I love you so much. I'm so sorry that I ignored you all week. Draco made me. We made a deal so that I wouldn't get another detention with Umbridge. I had to obey him all week. Emma, I'm so sorry. I really, really am."

Emma shook her head, squeezing her best friend tighter. "It's fine. I found out about the blood quills," she said. Alisha nodded, letting out a breath of relief.

"Wait, we're going to be late to class," Emma laughed. Alisha groaned, tearing her hands through her hair. Emma chuckled, grabbing her wrist. They set off towards Umbridge's classroom side-by-side.

As soon as they entered the classroom, Professor Umbridge turned towards them sharply.

"Detention, my office, tonight. Both of you," she demanded. Alisha and Emma shared a look before nodding glumly. They returned to their respective seats, sinking into them slowly.

Draco stared at Alisha from across the room. Thoughts were swimming around his head, and every single one of them was about Alisha.

What had she meant by Emma saving her life? Was her crying in the bathroom that one night related to this? Was Alisha okay?


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Stay cool, Anika<3

INSECURE // d. malfoy and h. grangerWhere stories live. Discover now