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Unwillingly, he got dressed in his suit. His hands shook, from nervousness, as he tied his tie. Unsure of his feelings, he dragged himself to the closet. After about a good fifteen minutes of slowly getting dressed, the time ran out. He wished he could rewind that fifteen minutes for the sake of not wanting to go to a stupid wedding, his wedding. Without a knock, his mom barged in. "you look amazing," mama Shelly said, trying to sound like she wasn't the one behind all this. He didn't respond, but instead, he got up and went over to the window, with a distant look in his eyes. Aggressively she grabs his hand with a force, causing it to feel numb. "You listen to me Jaxon this is the day you man up, and take the full responsibility of a husband. You will get your children, and you won't have to worry about anything else other than your family. So get your fucking ass to the hall for everyone is waiting for you." As he was about to walk off, she added, "don't mess this up." His heart raced through his chest as he neared the hall door. Once he was in sight, everyone turned and smiled. Little did they know he was not into this, now he would have to fake emotions in front of everyone and the rest of the world. Jaxon stood by the altar as the wedding song began to play, while the bridesmaid walked their way down the aisle. The moment of truth, everyone stood when Adley was about to make an entrance. Phone and camera captured her every move as held onto her dad's arm with an ear to ear smile. Once she was there, everyone took their seats as the ceremony began.

Jaxon wanted to let go of her hands, but in the corner of his eyes, he, could his mom with a devilish glare. The saviour of his life then appeared just before it was his turned to say his vows. Quinn stood at the door in shook. Hurt flashed in her eyes when she saw the man she liked was getting married, and she didn't know. When their eyes made four, its as if, he could feel her pain, as his heart sank in shame. Slowly the tears trickled down her face unknowingly. With that, she ran off, and immediately he chased after her. "Jaxon!!!!," his mom yelled. Gasps filled the room as he left his bride on the aisle. Adley's cheeks redden as she stormed out the hall to look for him.

"Quinn! Wait! Please!" "You were getting married? Really? Why didn't you tell me?" She screamed at him. "Please, it is not what you think." "Then what is it Jaxon?" "I never agreed to this. I never wanted this in the first place." A crowd was forming, both invited and uninvited. Quinn looked at him then back at Adley. "Let me ask you one thing. Who do you love Jaxon?" He looked deep into her eyes. This moment he could come to terms with himself. To spill the truth that he loves and cares for her, and this would be the moment he would stop battling with his emotions and just come clean. "You know how I feel about you. I wish this is you, on that aisle holding my hands as i make you mine. I've never had such strong feelings towards anyone and you, make me feel complete. I can express and be myself when I am around. I don't care what the net has to say about you. I don't care if your poor or not. All I care about is the big heart of yours and how it got played multiple times and i sat down and, think about how I could mend that broken heart with my love." Takes step closer, "I love you." Then their lips crashed onto each other as the crowd cheered them on excepts his family. Adley stormed off with her dad as his mom turned her back to him and left.

"Are you going to be okay?" Quinn asked, looking at his mom then back at him. "I don't care anymore," he said, taking her to his car.

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