Chapter 13

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Nashlyn's POV~

So Matt is cheating on me. Classic. I'm glad that we're going to different colleges. That way I won't cry every time I see him.

I told mom and dad and they both say that he wouldn't do that, but for the first time they're wrong. Maybe he was forced to do it, but our relationship now is over.

I'm surprised I lasted longer with Matt than with Andrew. That Jerk! How could he kissed Victoria Caniff? I mean she's mean and she's a Caniff. She is hot....I mean that's what they've told me. I'm a would I know?

Anyways, now Andrew is with Victoria. I'm quite glad that we broke up because now Victoria is pregnant with Andrew. And as you have guessed. No, Andrew is not accepting it so Victoria is pretty much alone.
Even her parents left her. She still lives with them, but they are so mad at her that she now has to do everything herself.

Well, my room is pretty much empty. It's full with boxes tho. I'm leaving the next day of my graduation.
Apparently my parents don't want to move. They didn't tell me why, but they said that they will tell me today. It's mom and dads date night so they will tell me when they get back.

I'm pretty much done with all my packing so I'll just hang here at the house. I wish I had a brother or a sister. It gets old just to be me hanging around all day alone at home. Matt would be here with me, but now I don't want anything with him.

I just wish that he comes here and explains everything to me.

*Ding Dong*

It's the door bell. I wonder who it will be. Nobody ever comes to visit the Grier's. Except Mr. Dallas, but it can't be him. His wife is pregnant so he pretty much just leaves to buy chocolate ice cream for Mrs. Dallas when she feels bad.

I walk downstairs and open the door.

Matt's POV~

"Nashlyn,"I say. "Please don't close the door."
"What do you want, Matt?" She says with an irritated voice.
"I have to talk to you." I say.
"I ant talk right now." She tries to close the door, but I stop her.
"Like you have anything better to do." I say.
Nashlyn analyzes this and opens the door again.
"You have 5 minutes." She says.
"Ok," I say. "I am not cheating on you."
I stare at her to see her reaction. She looks at her watch.
"4 minutes with 30 seconds." She says.
"The woman at the restaurant wasn't my girlfriend. It was a lady that was helping me get my papers done so I could transfer to your college." I stare at her to see if she says anything.
"Why would you want to go to my college?" She asks.
"Because I love you." I say. "I wanted to go to the same college as you so we wouldn't be apart."
I lean in closer and kiss her.
She kisses me back.
We stand there in the door kissing and I hear someone walking to us, but I ignore it.
"If you guys are going to stand there and smooch the hold day than you guys better go to Nashlyn's room." The boy says.
I stop kissing Nashlyn and look who the boy is.
"Hey Kyle." I say. "What's up man?"
"Nothin much." He says. "I came to drop off this shirt off to Nashlyn."
"Thanks." She says grabbing the shirt.
"I never thought you would be smooching with someone one day, cous." Kyle says.
Kyle is Nashlyn's cousin. He's Hayes Grier's son.
"Like you've never done it, Ky." She says jokingly.
"Too shay." He says. "I gotta bounce. Got a date with Mag tonight. I'm actually running late."
"Don't be late!" Nashlyn shouts.
"Too late!" Ky answers back and takes off running to his house.
I turn to Nashlyn again and we start kissing.
I push her in the house and shut the door.

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