Chapter 24

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(A/n it's an ok chapter)

Dinah POV
"Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome back to the Ally Brooke Show today we have the hottest R&B artist out, a long time friend and a phenomenal Entertainer please welcome Normani to the show". I turn off the tv as soon as I heard her name. It's so hard to see her everywhere I turn, she's on a magazine, oh her new albums out, wait there she is again on another talk show. It's like everywhere I go she there. And every time I see her I just want to cry, I mean she hurt me. Because of her none of my other relationships worked out,I was never able to trust anyone. I heard she was dating josh again, it's whatever those two are perfect for each other.

What have uh been up to for the past 10 years you might ask, well....... when i left home for college and other reasons, I wasn't she what I wanted to do until I met this girl named Clarissa that was studying in law to be a lawyer, she told me about how she wanted to help innocent people that didn't have enough money for a decent lawyer. That was something that I really admired and something that I realized I wanted to do. So I study in law for four years, got my diploma and now in working in one if the best firms in the country. So I say I'm doing pretty good.

"All I'm saying is you need closer which means you need to go see her" My best friend Justine was lecturing me for the 50th time this month about going to see mani since she moved to LA permanently to watch over her label. I mean she's right I do need closer but I don't know if I can handle that by myself.

"I know sky, I just cant face her by myself. Plus I dont even have her address"

" Ok first I already told you that I got a guy for that. Second, I'll go with you" Justine says as she sits by me on the couch I look at her in shock

"Really you would do that for me" I ask, she turns her head away from the tv to look at me and grab my hand.

"Of course I would, i hate seeing you hurt so much. And if I can help you stop hurting then I will" she says, I sigh and look at her.

"Ok call your guy and we'll go tomorrow" she smiles as she pulls out her phone and starts typing.

Ok faith let's see what you got

Normani POV
I walk out to people screaming and cheering for me as I make my way to where ally is sitting. She stands up to hug me and we both sit down.

"Ahhhhhh, Normani thank you for coming to the show. Yall have no Idea how much work I had to do to get her here ok. She is busy, I had to pull up to her house to try and make her come here" She says as the audience laughed while I shake my head.

"It was definitely an eventful morning" I say as the crowds giggles die down

"Speaking of houses I heard you permanently moved to LA a few months ago." I nod and give a quick 'yes I didn't as the crowd claps. ". Now here's my thing I was at your house this morning and it's unbelievably humongous. No it's not the fact that your house is big it's the fact that I heard you got your house shipped from Houston to LA. And first want to know why and how. Secondly, Imma need the prime Amazon package you got, cause I don't know how you got that big of a house from Houston to LA." I laugh at her corny ass amazon joke.

" I did ship my house from Houston, and it was an expensive job. We had to have 4 planes and 3 tow trucks. It took 16 hours, just because they had to move so slow. And I got it shipped because, I'm not gonna lie when I got my first big check from my label, I got a little carried away and sent a Insane amount of money on my house just customizing and the house in general. It also has alot of memories that I don't want to fly to another state for." I say

"Speaking of your label 'Hamilton Records'. How is it owning your label, I mean you holding your career and many others in your hands." Ally takes a sip of her tea and folds her hands in her lap.

" Owning my own label and controlling my own career is amazing, I'm pretty sure everyone knows what happened when I first came out and signed with RCA. Everything was great for that first year but after that things started taking a turn,so I created my own label so I could have control over what I was going to do with my career. When people started seeing what I was doing for my self, they wanted me to do it for them and their career. And that's when Hamilton records started getting popular" I explain while crossing my legs and laughing when I hear someone in the audience yell ' You better talk to shit bitch'.

" You know, you have a lot of young artists on your label. But they didn't all start off as strangers to you. You have some relatives signed, don't you. And if so, how long have they been signed?" Ally read the card and raised her eyebrows like she didn't know.

"Yes, I have my twin nieces and my twin son in the labe. The boys been signed for six years, and the girls been signed for four years." I say proudly

" Well the producers are telling me that it's time to go to commercial, so we'll be back to talk about Normani's new album 'The now' after these messages"

20 minutes and a few more questions later

" okay guys we talked about her moving to La, her label, and her new album but you know here at the Ally Brooke show we're all about having fun. So what better way to end this interview been with a game, right" The audience cheers for the up coming game Ally just announced.

"Ok Normani, to play this game we're going to have 2 of your biggest fan strapped to these harnessed and they're going to be asked questions about your career, if they get him wrong you get to drop them, if they get them right then they don't get dropped. Winner get to pick whatever they want their reward to be. Simple as that you got it" She ask, I assure her with a quick head nod. " Who are our contestants you might ask, please welcome our guests to the stage Camdin and Kaydin or better known as 'T.R.O.D'." My face is strucked with shock as the boys walk out from back stage, and smile at the audience as they lap for them.

"Kaydin, Camdin. Do you think you know enough about you moms career" Ally asked, Kaydin confidently nodded his head

" I think we both know a alot about her career, but I probably know more" Camdin cockingly says

" Yeah, ok. We'll see" Kaydin says as they both walk over to the stage hand so he can strap them in the harness.

" Ok boys you ready for your first question?" The boys adjusted their blind folds and raised their thumbs signaling ally that they were ready.

" Okay, Camdin what was the name of your mom's first album"

" Come on now that's easy '1996' "

"Correct, ok now it's gonna get harder. Kaydin How many singles has normani put out "

" Wait what, you can't ask that. I don't know.......fifthhhhhh teeeen"

" ohh that's unfortunately wrong, she has 25 singles out. Normani drop him" I shake my head as I pull the blue lever on my right. Kay screams and drops about 5 inches below his recent height.

5 minutes and a few questions later

"Ok Cam if you get this question right you will be our winner or kaydin can steal. Ok, Who was the first artist your mom signed"

" Technically......herself right?"

" YES, Cam you win" I smile as everyone cheers for cam

" Ally, you know you my favorite Aunt right" kaydin tries to persuade his way out of his punishment

"I know boo, Normani drop him" I pull the lever for tha last time as Kaydin plummets to the mat on the Ground.

" That's all we have for you on the Ally Brooke show be sure to tune in next week for more fun" Ally says clapping
Back home

As I was cooking dinner there was a soft knock on the door. I look up at kaydin playing his game and rolled my eyes.
" No, no. You stay there it's not like I have anything else to do" I say sarcastically. My son stands up and walks to his room before saying " Your the best mom love you" I shake my head and go open the door. When I saw that it was her behind that door everything slowly came back the pain, the anger, the confusion.


She smiles and says "Hey mani, long time no see"

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