
315 19 16


I groaned and pulled the blanket over my head, making Rakim laugh.

"Zara, wake up."

I didn't feel like answering, so I kept my eyes closed and ignored him.

"It's already 10 am, you've slept for 12 hours."

I still didn't bother to move.

"Ferg made you breakfast."

I opened my eyes and put the blanket away.

"Really?", I asked groggily. He laughed and nodded. "I love how you open your eyes as soon as it comes to food, but yeah, go downstairs and see", he said and I sighed.

"Okay", I agreed, getting up. I followed him downstairs, where the other guys were already having breakfast. It smelled like coffee and pancakes. I took a seat next to Rocky and replied a tired "Good morning", to the guys that had greeted me while I put some bread and a few vegetables on my plate and slowly began chewing them.

When everyone had finished, I helped Dom put the plates away and wash them- we talked a little, but mainly remained in comfortable silence.

I went upstairs and knocked at Rakim's door. I just wanted to talk to somebody, and everyone seemed busy right now the only person I didn't feel bad bothering was Rakim. Inconveniently, I was only greeted by silence, so I just opened the door. Nobody was in there- the room was empty.

I stood there for a moment, trying to decide on what to do next. I concluded it would be good to get some fresh air and maybe look for Rakim, so this is what I did.

It didn't take long until I found Rakim. He was slowly walking down an alley, he must have been out here for a while because his hoodie was soaking wet.

That didn't seem to bother Rakim though, because as I got closer, I could hear him freestyling. I walked behind him for a while, enjoying the low rhythmical sound of his voice and the rain, it was almost as if he used the rain as a beat. I didn't want to scare him, so I slowly walked up next to him.

He stopped rapping and flinched a little, but when he recognized me, his body language opened up immediately. I greeted him with a smile. "Hi." He smiled back. "Hey. How long have you been walking behind me?", he asked. "A while", I replied honestly.

"I liked your freestyle a lot." His eyes lit up a little. "Forreal?" I nodded. "Yeah, it was quite enjoyable. Do you rap from time to time?", I tried starting a conversation. Surprisingly, he immediately took the hint. "You know, I rap a lot. Helps me deal with everything, it's something that just helps me escape from all the shit I'm facing. I actually dream of becoming a rapper one day", he opened up with a spark in his eyes that made me smile."I'm sure you have potential, it sounds like something that would fit you", I said. "Thanks", he grinned.

We walked in comfortable silence for a while, until he asked me if I was cold. I shook my head, although I was a little, it wasn't bad though. "Are you?", I asked, referring to his wet hoodie. "Nah, I'm good", he replied. I chuckled a little. "Are you sure? There are literally water drops coming out of your hoodie."

He laughed. "I know a place where we can get something warm to drink, what about that? Cause I know you lied as well, your hands are shaking", he said. I laughed again. "You've got a beautiful laugh", he said. I immediately felt my body heating up. Did he really just say that? What do I answer? "Thank you", I finally replied as I realized that was the first time I laughed in days.

When we finally arrived at the little coffee shop, we were both freezing cold. We entered; it was a nice little place, warm and cozy. Rakim ordered a coffee, but my childish ass couldn't resist the hot chocolate- of course, he laughed at me for ordering it. But hot chocolate is the best, without a doubt.

The sweet taste of the chocolate and the warm liquid running down my throat made the cold feeling in my body go away. Rakim and I talked a lot about random stuff- how he liked his food the best, why we loved the rain, why I thought hot chocolate was superior. His little comments made me laugh a lot, and it felt so good, just as if he wasn't a gang member that my brother hated, and I pushed the little voice trying to tell me this was too good to be real away.

After we left, Rakim and I sat down on the wall next to a little river, watching the rain fall. It was silent for a few minutes.

"Do you ever cry?", I tore the silence, looking at the little rings on the water that were being formed by the small raindrops. He didn't answer for a while, just glanced at a single plastic bottle traveling down the river.

"Gangsters don't cry, you know. You can't afford to show weakness in a world full of gangsters, so you adapt", he paused, as if he was trying to decide what to tell me and what not. "At some point, your tears are just...something nobody ever sees. You cry alone and you hate yourself for it. You get more and more emotionless as time passes." I looked at him, but his glance was rigid, still focused on the river. "But isn't that what makes a person human? To feel emotions?" His dark eyes slowly wandered upward and found mine.



First of all, can we appreciate that song? I love this version so much aaaahh🥺

What do you think of this chapter and the plot? Lemme know in the comments :)

I'll go take a walk now, sadly it's almost dark outside although it's 4 pm for me??? It's getting dark so early lol I can't comprehend although it's the same shit every year lmao

Okay, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Stay save :D

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