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I slowly looked up to them, not showing my anger. Ferg stood up leisurely. "I won't silently watch this, Rakim. That is fucked. I can't condone that shit. Either you kill us both or you kill no one, cause I won't lose her."

I was confused once again and stared at Rakim, taking a deep breath, but the attempt to calm myself down failed miserably.

"What the fuck is going on here? How are you talking about killing me? Can somebody fucking talk?", I shouted, and suddenly my anger gave away, just to be replaced by fear.

It was dead silent, everybody was avoiding eye contact until Dom stood up. "I'm so fed up of that bullshit", he stated.

"Can anybody please tell me what's going on?", I pleaded, feeling helpless and alone just like when I first came here months ago. Rakim and Dom fought a long battle with their eyes until Dom broke the eye contact. "I'm sorry, Rocky, but that's some big shit ion wanna be part of no more. I'm telling her." A cold, reckless look spread on Rakim's face, making me flinch and back away. That was the side of Rakim that I had almost forgotten, considering how sweet and caring he had acted. I looked at Dom, who looked angry and pissed.

"There was a plan Rakim had developed. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but everything that you experienced the last few months was part of the plan. Dan touching you, doing shit to you, Rakim saving started to trust him, naive as you are. Your brother had no choice, and you were like a little kitten next to a pack of wolves. Zack had to trust him, and he eventually started doing so. Your shining knight right here planned on taking everything your brother loves from him, including you. You go to El Salvador, but at the airport, people are waiting to get the job done cuz the little boy doesn't wanna get his hands bloody. Every single fucking thing was planned in detail. Dan had no choice, he needed a lot of money for his sick sister, Rakim threatened him to let her die. That shit is cruel. Fuck all of this, man. You fell for everything, Zara, and we just had to stand there and watch you believe every single one of our lies. You remember that one time you ran away, and you were at the train station and told me later you had no idea how Dan knew where you were? All that, planned. Rakim yelling at you resulting in you leaving, Dan following you from the moment on you had left the house. Well, Dan lost you after you saw each other, but that's not the fucking point. The point is that Rakim is crazy, taking revenge on you when it was your brother who deserves it'', he spat, his eyes filled with anger.

I closed my eyes, the memories flashing behind my eyelids. Hate was welling up inside of me, taking control of all my senses. Deep down I knew I had fallen for him, and as he sat there, with that look on his face that disgusted me so much, having betrayed me all the time, I still loved him. "Is all of that true?", I asked, as my hate started turning into sadness and disappointment into tears.

Rakim avoided eye contact. "I asked if it was true!", I screamed in pain. He slowly nodded, and I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I've been deceived. By the guy I loved. By the people I considered as my friends.

The pain was so bad I could physically feel it in my chest and my stomach, a dark, empty feeling.

"How could you do it, Rakim? How could you spend all this time with me, knowing some people were gonna kill me? How the fuck are you human? ", I asked, but I didn't get an answer. Suddenly, everything made sense. How Dan had told me I had to get away from the Mob, Rakim acting strange when I told him how much I liked and appreciated him, the looks full of sympathy, the arguing, Ferg explaining there was a reason for Rakim's sadness that he couldn't tell me.

It was adding up.

"Rakim, you have no idea what you have done to me. You have no idea", I said, slowly getting up, storming upstairs to pack my things, and when I came back downstairs, no one was speaking. "I wouldn't have done it, Zara. I know it. I had already decided", he suddenly said quietly.

"Rakim Mayers, I may not be the smartest person on earth, but I'm not that dumb. That is just another one of your lies I wanna believe, but I'm not falling for it this time." I exhaled, trying not to let the tears show my weakness again. "Thank you, Ferg, thank you Dom for telling me the truth", I swallowed. "Rakim, you know, I actually liked you a lot, to say it the least, but I'm starting to wonder if it was actually you that I like, or just a fake ass facade you built, but I guess we'll never know. I don't think you'll have a hard time forgetting me...just make a little more money and get you another bitch that believes your lies, nah, get ten of them, they're easy to find", I said, suppressing my sadness and pain.

I nodded one last time. "Aight, I had a nice time, don't get yourself killed", I said ironically, looking at the other members. Tears welled up in my eyes, I wiped them away hastily. A last look at them; Rakim looked so hurt something deep inside of me wanted to run up to him and hug him like I did just a bit ago, but it wasn't gonna happen. Not anymore.

He looked devastated, opened his mouth, and shut it, then buried his face in his hands.

If I hadn't known it better, I would have said he cried.

But gangsters don't cry, right?


That's one sad fucking chapter and a big plot twist fosho! Do you like the background story? There's gonna be a little more to it in a few days but that's basically it, did I explain it logically?

The song is EVERYTHING

Als, sorry for uploading that late. 

I hope you have a good day :)

deceived.// A$AP RockyWhere stories live. Discover now