Part 4 ~ Fake Identity?

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Narrator P.O.V

Vald and the "half" naked dude are lying on the floor, facing each other in "Vald's" cave.

They stare.

'So...' Vald starts. 'Uh...I've been wondering about this, but do you have a name? Like I'm really tired of calling you hot naked dude and-' Crap.

'So you think I'm hot EH... I didnt think you thought of me that way.' He smirks.

Vald gets up. 'Wha-what are you talking about. I didn't say that! I said--uh...' Vald panics. 'I said...h-bu-butt naked dude...yeah butt naked dude!...that's exactly what I said...'

'Ah...You look so cute when you're angry at me with that flustered face. I love it!'

'Wh-who are you calling cute!' Turning away, knowing the beet red face he had that had gone to his ears, he patted his face to cool it down.

'Sadist,' Vald mumbles as he sulks.



'Ok. Let's get back to the original topic.' Vald suggests.


'Wh-why, I just want to know your name,' Vald mumbles as he sulks.

'No. I mean no as in I don't have a name. So I can't tell you.'

'Oh ok...Well, why don't we talk about our life story.'

'Life story?'

'As in tell each other our name, birthday, origin, job, likes, dislikes and etc. Well you can skip the name part and answer the rest, but rest assured, by the end of the day...tomorrow...or the day will have a name!!!'

'Ok....Well, can you get down now? I'm kind of scared of you falling off. How did you even get on that 10m high rock anyway?'

'Hah! Don't underestimate the POWER OF A PRINCE!'

'Ok...Well since you suggested the life story thing, why don't you go first, your highness?'


Vald P.O.V

'Ok then.

My name is Vald vi Britannia, son of Hades, Lord of the Underworld. I am 17 years old, my birthday is on the 18th of September and when I was 2 my mother died. I don't really remember her but it seems that she was very kind and caring. And uh...' Should I tell him why I was banished? Should I straight on say, Oh...And the reason why I was banished was because my father caught me doing H things with my personal guard.
P.S it was a guy.

No! I am not telling him that! In fact I'm not going to tell him anything until he asks. Yeah...awesome idea...I'm smirking to myself aren't I...

'So, what did you do that got you banished?'

Crap. Plan failed.

'Uh...good my father and...and to punish me he sent me here. Yeah.'

Success! Yes! My drama teacher always told that me that I was good at acting, especially in deceiving people.

'Yup. Now your turn.' I smiled cheerfully.


Hot Naked Dude P.O.V

'Ok...So, my name is apparently Hot Naked Dude.'


'Fine. I'll go on.' God! He's so fun to tease! 'I am 25 years old, my birthday is on the 14th of July and when I was 5, my parents were murdered. After that I lived on the streets. But one day a man in black clothing took me in and trained me. From then on I lived my life as an assasin/spy. Throughout my life I have killed countless people and I don't even remember who they are or how they look like.

Oh...And the reason I got banished was because the person I was assigned to keep an eye on did something wrong and the blame was put on me as I wasn't able to prevent it. What can I say? I did a bad job and got banished. Typical huh?'

What's that sound?

'Th-that is the *hic* saddest story I have *hic* ever heard.' *hic*

'A-Are you crying? Why are you crying? There's nothing to cry about. Besides I don't think the son of Hades should be crying. Calm down.'

'But it's so sad.'

'L-Look, why don't you go take a short nap and when it's time for dinner I'll wake you up? How about it?'



An hour has passed, Vald has stopped crying and is now fast asleep. I walk towards him and pat his head.

'You know, I knew you were lying about how you got banished... but I don't blame you...since I've been lying to you this whole time.' I get up, walk out of the cave and look towards the sky.

It's about time.

I take my communicator out of my pocket and call the only contact number I have.

'Reporting in...Lord Hades.'


Hello Everyone!


I'm sorry I haven't updated in like 3 weeks!!! This story part was supposed to be updated in the afternoon, but for some reason Wattpad deleted EVERYTHING I wrote before I could update!!! So I had to rewrite the whole story from my memory. Pity me...

But it is said that any author should be able to rewrite their work over and over again. And that's what I did. He he he.
P.S I made that quote.

Sorry if my grammar is bad!

And sorry but instead of updating every week, I'll have to update every 2 or 3 weeks from now on. Homework is pilling up and starting a new year has always been hard for me. Especially in high school. Sorry!

Also Vald's last name Britannia is from an anime called Code Geass.

All rights for the name go to Code Geass.

I recommend you to watch Code Geass!

Pls vote, comment and follow.

Soon the Hot Naked Dude will need to have a name as you have read. So if you have any ideas for his name, pls give me some suggestions on the comments page!

P.S the picture at the top is from Code Geass! So cute!

And also it would be nice if you could tell me which one of them in the pic is your favorite. Your cooperation will be blessed. Thx.

Vald Son of Hades (Boyxboy/Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now