Part 15 - Treehanger

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Ryan P.O.V

It's been 2 weeks since Vald was kidnapped. 2 weeks we've been apart. The longest 2 weeks of my life. I've already made a plan for Vald's escape in my meeting with Kai as promised, but it's as if, the day is never going to come. I wonder how Vald is doing...


What was that noise? I slowly reached back and grabbed my stick from the behind the rock and slowly ascend to the entrance of the cave.


There's the noise again. I hide behind a rock and wait for the 'thing' to get closer. Time to see who the heck's out there. I leap out as soon as I hear the 3rd twig snap and yell.

'WAHHHHH!' The person screamed and landed on its butt. 'Don't hurt me. I come in peace.'

Wait. That voice sounds familiar.


The person slowly uncovered its face and looked me in the eye and smiled. 'Ryan!'

I dropped the stick and grabbed is hand pulling him off the ground. 'What are you doing here?' I asked.

'I'm so glad I found you. I thought I was lost for a moment,' KZ replied. 'But most importantly I'm here because Vald sent me.'

'Vald sent you?! Seriously? He's ok? He's not hurt or anything?'

'Calm down. He's fine but right now, he seriously wants to get out of there and needs to ask you some serious questions.'

'So he sent you so I could rescue him?'

' could put it that way.'

Vald's safe and he wants to see me. I gotta find him.

'Ok, well do you any plans right now?'

'Not exactly,' KZ said. 'I seriously didn't think I'd get this far. The amount of guards I've had to sweet talk has killed my brain. You think,' He poked my chest.

- Time Skip -

'Get your leg out of my face!' KZ scream-whispered.

We were currently climbing a tree in the middle of the night trying to get pass Kai's guards.

'Can you stop complaining? They'll hear us,' I whispered back.

'Well "sorry" but I'm not a fucking trained ninja or whatever and climbing trees is obviously not my thing!'

I sighed. 'Just keep it down.'

I looked down between the leaves of the tree and see 2 guards right below. I grab a rock from my back pocket and throw it to the right. The guards heard the sound and went to take a look.

I pin-pointed our destination and turned back at KZ. 'We're gonna have to jump to another tree to get to Vald's room.'

He gave a 'Are you crazy' look followed by a 'wtf' look. 

'There's no way we can jump onto the balcony from this distance we need to get closer.'

'I just told you I wasn't a fucking ninja and now you want me to jump trees?!'

'L-Look I'll carry you, what about that?'

'What if you drop me?'

'I won't just get on my back and hold on.' As soon as he got on I didn't waste any time, I took a deep breath and got ready to jump. Here goes nothing.

I leaped and tried to grab onto the branch I wanted. I grabbed it but it broke on impact and we began to fall. 



See what I did there?

Yeah, I think updating more often with short parts is easier than big chucks after 3 months. I mean even I can't really remember my story when I try to write the next part after so long.

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