It doesn't hurt [Sad]

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⚠️WARNING: The following includes mentions of blood and death. If you are sensitive to this topic please stop reading now⚠️

Spencer's POV:

The night was stressful, our unsub was on the loose with a 14 year old girl hostage. I mange to narrow down his last footsteps and killing to find he was keeping her 5 miles away in a small house by a lake.

"Guys I've got something!" I exclaimed.

I show the map where each mark drew a 5 in dots.

"His killing spots were a way to draw the number 5. The police station is 5 miles from that house, that's where he's keeping her" I scramble out.

"Great, Get Garcia to send the address and meet Y/n and Morgan over at the house" Hotch said through the phone.

"On it" Quickly after hanging up, I got on my vest and made my way over to Garcia.
Y/n's POV:

"I can't just sit here while he's in there with her!" I whisper shout.

"We go on command, I know you want to help her but we have to wait for back up" Morgan sighed.

I took a deep breath and relaxed in my seat. It was very quickly taken when a piercing scream was erupted from inside the house.

"Go go!" Morgan yelled, pulling out his gun and speeding out the car. I did the same as I ran straight towards the house.

"You take the back, I'll check up front"

I nodded and raised my gun up ahead and walked slowly to the back. I minded my surroundings, listening for noises, looking for anyone. As I saw everything was clear I looked at the back entrance and saw it was unlocked. Before I was able to reach for it, the light from inside turned on.

I quickly dodge the light as hide from the door, beside a brick wall and bush. I peeked out and saw the man grabbing and opening a beer before walking back out to wear he came from. Turning the lights off with him.

After waiting about a minute or so, I quietly and slickly opened the door and stepped inside. Crouching out of any view. I slowly guided myself to the room he seemed to head into. Being so dark, I had to mind my step to not make a sound.

I saw a figure pop out in front of me.

"L/n, Get Down!!" I wish I listened to him sooner.

Dereks voice echoed throughout the house as a loud gunshot rang along with it.

Spencer's POV:

*bang* *bang*

Right as the van pulled up we heard two gun shots go off. Everyone hastily pulled out there guns and ran straight into the house.

I looked around looking for Y/n and Derek. Everything fell into slow motion.

I looked to the ground and saw two bodies. Derek holding up Y/n's head up, keeping her conscious. Her hand was on her stomach, flowing blood pouring out into the floor.

"No no no NO!" I yell. I immediately crouch down next to my girlfriend of 2 years. My eyes begin to cloud over as I look down at her beautiful now pale face, her hands getting colder. I hold her in my arms as I try to put pressure on the wound.

"No no no! Why didn't you wait? Why didn't you wait!" I cried.

"Take her out.. p-please make sure- she's okay" She coughed up blood.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry my love" I repeated, stroking and kissing her hair, gently rocking her back and forth.

"Spence.." She called.

"It doesn't hurt"

My body went numb.

"No no no stay with me love please.." I cried harder.

"I love you Spencer Reid. I love you so fucking much.. Im always gonna love you. O-Okay? I'm so tired.."

My chest hurt badly.

"It's okay y/n.. it's okay to rest.." I choked out.

"Thank you for giving me the world.. I'm sorry for leaving so soon"

Her y/e/c colored eyes were slowly fading away, her grip was slowly softening.

"You be happy for me okay love?.." I sadly smiled.

"Do me the same" She smiled back. My eyes filled up with tears again as I kissed her, not caring about her bloody lips. I kissed her until she no longer kissed back. Her hold on my hand was no longer there.

I sobbed uncontrollably as I was being pulled away from her body. My hands were bloody and my face was full of tears. Derek pulled me into a very big hug.

"I tried man.." His eyes were watering as well.

"Thank you" I softly said as I began to cry again.

The girl was safe. She was back home and going to start homeschool instead. After Y/n's death I brought myself to start wearing her favorite color every day a week before and after her funeral. It reminded me she was here with me. She will always be my first and last love. She will always be my happiness. And she will always be my world, even if we're heavens away.

I cried while writing this. Um it came to me in a dream and I felt like I needed to write it. Sorry for being sadgirl times. 🙈💚

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