Say What Now? (Aiden P.O.V)

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I was not in the mood to take pictures. So don't even ask. 

Aru was gone. 

Her namesake really did her good. She was always the bright star out of all of us. Now she was gone. Everything felt gloomy. 

We stood in the room with her father. Not the evil one but the good guy. 

"I have heard what has happened." Indra's voice boomed through the room. 

"Oh, so can we go?" said Mini. Her voice sounded tiny compared to Indra's.

"No, you have explain somethings to me." Mini looked down in dissapointment.

"What beings and gods have you spoken to about this." 

"Hanuman, Urvashi, Queen Uloopi, Opal, and Arayami," said Mini. 

"Well, I will hear from one of them, you may leave now." 

After we had left, Brynne spoke up.

"Well, that was quick." she said. 

"I know, strangely quick," said the twins. I guess it did seem a little weird. 

"Guys, what we need to focus on is finding out where Aru is." I said. 

"Wait, we can still try the Pandava tracking ability." Mini and Brynne stared at Nikita dumbfounded.

"Yeah, its a Pandava ability that lets you track down another Pandava." said Sheela.

"But the thing is, we've only tried it with each other." said Nikita, looking at Sheela. 

"But we can still try." By the time, we were already in the carrige. 

"OK, so first, imagine you are a fluffy cloud that can go anywhere." said Nikita. Everyone except for me closed their eyes. 

"Think of all the things that make you love this person." OK, maybe this could work for me, since I was a Pandava adjacent. I closed my eyes, imagined I was a fluffy cloud that could go anywhere. Then I thought of all the things that made me love her. She was funny, and cute, clever, intelligent, beautiful, just too many words to describe her. 

"See anything?" said Nikita. The darkness morphed into a shining bright place. The city of gold. I weaved through the streets and went straight through a wall. There was the Sleeper, sitting on a throne, and watching something on a TV. 

"I found something." I said. 

"Aiden? Really?" said Rudy, I completely forgot he was even here. (A/N I did too. XD) 

"Yeah, the Sleeper, staring at a screen."

"And I know the way to get there."

The vision faded away and my friend's and cousin's eyes appeared. 

"I wonder how Aiden got there." said Brynne smirking. 

"Guys, this isn't the time." 

"I wonder when you'll admit it to her." said Nikita dreamily. I facepalmed. 

"Well, where is it?" asked Mini. 

"The City of Gold."


"Come on Aiden, we don't have much time." I stood there, looking at the beautiful view of the city. Everything glimmered in the setting sun. It was all so festive. I had forgotten tommorow was Holi. 

"Guys, what about Holi?" I asked out loud. 

They all looked at me with realization. 

"Oh. My. Gods!" said Nikita and Sheela at the same time. 

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