chapter nineteen

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We all sit around the Slytherin table, when we enter the Great Hall. The first years were being sorted into their houses, as some people chattered quietly, with the loud claps in the background for every time a student was sorted.

It wasn't long till Dumbledore stood up, "Now that we are all here and sorted, I would like to make an announcement to all of you-" Dumbledore begins.

I get distracted, when I see Professor Filch running into the Great Hall, as his knees were in the air as he ran. Draco and Flint couldn't stop laughing once they saw him running, even Pansy tried to join in with their laughter. Professor Filch reaches Dumbledore, as they whisper to each other a little bit, till Professor Filch is running out of the Great Hall.

Dumbledore continues, "So, Hogwarts has been chosen, to host a legendary event. The Tri Wizard Tournament" There were a few whispers being spread around the room as Dumbledore continued to speak, "The Tri Wizard Tournament, brings together 3 schools, and for each school, a single student is selected to participate. Now, please join me in welcoming, Lovely Ladies from Beauxbatons, and their headmistress, Madam Maxime" Dumbledore says before the Great Hall doors open, as girls in light blue silk uniforms enter, with Madam Maxime behind them. Everyone claps once they reach the front of front of the room, before they take their seats.

"Now, please meet the proud sons from Durmstrang" Dumbledore says before the Great Hall doors open again, as men from the school enter. A few whispers spread through the room again, once the famous Viktor Krum entered. "Mila, that's Viktor, Viktor Krum!" Bella says.

I smile a little, "I know Bella, I know.." We both laugh quietly, before we were about to begin our feast. We chattered a little bit about the tournament, till Dumbledore makes another announcement, "Your attention, please!" He calls out, as everyone goes silent again.

"This tournament was have 3 extremely dangerous tasks that must be completed-" Dumbledore continues to speak, when Pansy speaks, "Oh, Dracy, you should enter, it would show how strong you are to everyone!" Pansy says.

Draco scoffs, "As if I'm going to join some lame and shit tournament, and for what? A little medal?" Blaise and Flint laugh a little, "She should join," Draco aims his finger at me, "Although, she would get herself killed the second she even starts the first task, she probably wouldn't even make it past the first task" He sneers.

I roll my eyes, "Yeah, I could say the same thing about you"

"As if, unlike you, I have more bravery and potential than you, you little brat-"

"Your saying you're brave? Who's the one who got so scared once Hermione aimed her wand at you?" I ask as I cross my arms in front of me.

"That's different Blackwood-"

"The tournament will only have students who are 17 and over, to participate in the tournament-" I hear someone from the Ministry say, as everyone begins to yell by how disappointed they were, "Guess none of us is participating" Draco mutters.

"Silence!" Dumbledore shouts, before everyone goes silent. "The Goblet of Fire," Dumbledore says, as blue flames were shown from the Goblet that stood next to him, "Anyone who would like to participate, may write their name on a piece of parchment , and throw it into the flame before this hour on Thursday night. If chosen, there's no turning back" Dumbledore says.


We enter the Slytherin common room, as it still looked the same. The trophy's were still there, as there were now some more from last year, the green banners were still hanged up, as nothing really changed. I take a seat next to Bella, while Blaise and Alexa sit next to each other, as we surrounded the fireplace.

Draco takes a seat next to Flint, when Pansy sits on his lap, "Get off me" Draco mutters. Pansy looks at him for a few seconds before she frowns and sits next to him.

I roll my eyes, when I see Adrian enter in the common room. My eyes widen, as he meets eyes with me. "Mila.." He mumbles before he smiles. I smile back as I stand up and walk towards him, before he pulls me into a small hug. I feel him wrap his hands around my waist, as I wrap mine around his shoulders.

"Aww!" I hear Alexa and Bella say behind me, which makes me pull away to look at them. I widen my eyes at them before I turn back to Adrian, "Uhh.. how are you?" I ask, as he still had his hands around my waist.

"I'm alright, yourself?" He smirks.

I part my lips from each other as I was about to speak, when Draco interrupts me, "Pucey!" Draco says, as he shakes Adrian's hand.

You have to ruin our moment, don't you?

Adrian and Draco talk about quidditch for this year a little, while I decided to go back and sit next to Bella again.

"Mila, go talk to him" Bella whispers in my ear.

I roll my eyes, "I would, but the fucking idiot is talking to him" I whisper back.

Alexa chuckles quietly, "Just wait for them to stop talking" 

I agreed as we waited, and waited, and waited, for what seemed like hours. They just wouldn't shut up.

"Hey, listen mate, lets continue to talk tomorrow, it's only because I need to write to my mothers, before she panics" Adrian says. I get excited when Draco agrees as he nods. Adrian looks at me as he gives me a small smile, before he walks away, towards the boys dormitory's.

Draco turns around with his small smirk on his face, when he meets eyes with me, "What? Can't I talk to Pucey as well?"

I groan, "Your such an ass Malfoy" I mutter.

"Oh shut up Blackwood, like your any better," He says as he sits back down on the couch, "So what is going on between you and Pucey?" He asks.

I raise my eyebrows, "Well, if you must know, nothing is going on between Adrian and I, although I wouldn't know why you have to know"

"No, I don't have to know, I'm just curious, if you have to know"

I nod slowly as I give a fake smile, before I begin a conversation with Bella and Alexa, while Draco and Pansy begin to flirt with each other.

After about an hour, we all decided to head up to our dormitory's, as we head classes the next day.

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