Chapter One

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Dean was panting, his face twisted in rage and covered in blood as he fought. Driving his fist into his opponent's chest, he managed to turn the tide of the fight and get the upper hand again. From there, it was all dedication. He kept hitting, letting the anger fuel him harder and faster. The knives in his hands moved steadily, and all too soon, he had his opponent pinned with a boot, knife in hand. With a final smile, he dispatched his opponent and looked up, laughing and sighing. He threw his knives away from himself and walked off, never hesitating. The screen faded to black after him.

The credits on the movie rolled, and as Dean stood, stretching, he smiled at the looks on people's faces. He loved premiers, especially on movies he was proud of, because people were always buzzing and wanting to talk to him at the after party. Playing that villain had been difficult, too; he was a complicated bastard, and Dean had had to put his all into it. He simply hoped that people liked it as much as he had.

Following the flow of people into the party area, he smiled, letting the atmosphere surround him and taking a deep breath. He leaned his head back with a sigh, laughing and then walking to a gathering small crowd of people by the drinks. Spotting a few of his favorite people, he made his way over to them to say hi.

Charlie noticed him first, hitting Jess and getting her attention to smile and point to the approaching Dean. Jess looked around for a second before spotting him, giving one of her show stopping smiles. Sam was with them as well, being his typical self, which made Dean grin to himself. As much as he'd never admit it to Sam, he was like the brother Dean never had.

As he finally did reach the trio, he threw his arms around Charlie and Jess and leaned in slightly, pretending to flirt. Sam immediately knew where he was going with it and rolled his eyes.

"Hello there, ladies," Dean said, making his voice a bit lower and more gravelly. Charlie gave him a look of disgust and picked his arm up dramatically from her shoulders, stepped away, and dropped it, all while Jess was laughing her ass off on Dean's left. Charlie pointed to Dean, who had on an expression of mock offense.

"Don't give me that shit, Mr. I Know You're A Lesbian," she said, and Dean couldn't help it anymore. He burst out laughing, taking his arm off of Jess to lean over and laugh. Sam slapped his back, muttering under his breath about how "Dean did this shit every time and kept thinking it was funny." Dean chose to ignore that, but he did smack Sam upside the head as he stood all the way up again.

"It is amazing that you get any acting done when you laugh that hard about that stupid joke," Jess said, and Dean gaped at her indignantly, crossing his arms. He looked at Sam for backup, but Sam was snickering. Throwing his hands up, he turned in a circle and then put his hands on his hips.

"I swear to god, every day around you people is torment. I can't believe I put up with this." Shaking his head, he pointed at Jess. "I'll have you know, my blooper reel for this movie was under five minutes."

"Ooh, impressive!" Charlie teased, poking him. "How many takes is that that had to be redone?"

Shaking his head, he covered Charlie's mouth with one hand and moved her vaguely behind him while facing Sam and Jess.

"We absolutely don't talk about that," he said, immediately letting go of her as she laughed. Jess rolled her eyes, hooking her arm through Sam's with a determined face.

"Samuel, it is time. We're going on a mission to the drinks table," she said, and he nodded seriously. Turning to Charlie and Dean, she continued. "If we don't return, you'll have to make the journey yourselves and mourn our loss."

Charlie saluted as Dean pretended to faint, forcing Charlie to catch him. Sam and Jess walked off laughing, and Charlie set Dean back up, muttering something about him being heavy as shit. He rolled his eyes and hit her arm playfully, and she grinned at him.

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