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Saturn eyed the teens standing around in the sand dancing happily with red solo cups in their hands. 

"I swear sis you need to get out more." Rafe said looking down at his sister as he brought a glass bottle to his lips. Saturn and Rafe were the closest considering they both lived in Sarah Cameron's shadow despite Rafe being older. 

"So your shitty friends can hit on me? No thanks." The girl said scowling slightly as she walked a few steps behind Rafe. "Yeah, totally." He snarked back with a smirk before leaving her side when a group of his friends called him over. 

"Great." She muttered scanning the crowd for a moment before seeing a familiar head of floppy blonde hair. The Kegger had been thrown by the Pogues at the boneyard to signal the endow school and the start of summer. 

"Saturn Cameron, what do I owe the pleasure?" JJ questioned as he stood next to John B by the keg. John B looked between the pair with raised eyebrows. Saturn had hung out with Kie, Pope and JJ a few more times before school ended and for some reason John B had never been there, he had never had a chance to actually talk to the girl so he still thought of her similarly to what he though of Sarah, stuck up rich bitch. 

"Rafe forcing me out of my room by my hair." She admitted taking the cup filled with beer from his outstretched hand. John B trailed the girl's body as she talked with JJ. Her blonde hair had been curled and was falling down her shoulders that were exposed by the black tube top she wore, he couldn't help but notice her tanned skin was rather tight and muscular as his hazel eyes ran down her toned legs in a pair of loose mom shorts.

"John B stop being a creep." JJ scoffed giving his friend a weird look before motioning to Saturn who had smirked at the blush on the boy's cheeks. "This is Saturn Cameron, don't worry she'd not a raging bitch like her sister." JJ explained causing the girl to laugh and shake her head. 

"I know who John B is JJ." She said giving both of them a charming smile. "Y-yeah, I work on your boat." The brunette muttered cursing himself at how stupid he sounded. "Anyways..." JJ trailed off not liking the awkward silence that followed. The blonde boy reached his hand down and laced his fingers through Saturn's leading her away from John B, the girl stumbling as he dragged her through the sand. 

"Jeez, JJ where the hell are we going?" She asked laughing at his determined strut. "Ah yes, to find Kie." JJ said as he stopped and gestured to their friend who was chatting some Touron's ear off. 

"Kie!" He yelled catching her attention and then pointing to Saturn with an over exaggerated expression across his face. "Satty! You came!" She squealed rushing up to hug her friend. "Yeah, I really didn't want to." She admitted causing Kiara to scoff and hold her hand to heart in mock hurt. 

"How rude." Kie said causing both the blondes to laugh. "John B was basically undressing her with his eyes so I decided we should come find you." JJ said shoving Saturn's shoulder lightly. "No he wasn't." Saturn retaliated shoving him back. Soon the two started playfully shoving and smacking each other causing Kie to step in between them. 

"Alright, I'm cool." JJ said holding his hands up in surrender. "Shut up." Saturn said with a smirk on her face. 

Eventually the three teens as well as a few Kooks were in a circle playing volleyball on the beach, mostly just stumbling around the sand drunkenly. "You're so bad at this." Saturn said to JJ as she passed the ball to the Kook on her right. 

"No I'm not, look watch this." When the ball came down on the blonde's arms he lifted them shanking the ball off to the side causing the group to groan. "Okay maybe I do." He admitted scratching the back of his neck nervously looking between the group as Saturn shook her head and headed towards where the ball rolled.

Saturn's feet sunk into the sand as she walked across it towards the ball that was sitting against a log. She was thankful that it had been a few hours since the sun went down because the sand would have been unbearable without shoes on. 

"Jeez JJ." The girl muttered as she bent at the waist to grab the ball but jerking forward when she felt a hand touch her ass. "What the fuck!" She exclaimed turning around to see one of her brother's friends standing there eyeing her like she was a piece of meat. 

"What the fuck are you doing Keegan?" She seethed staring at the older brunette like he was crazy. "Nothing, you look really hot." He slurred his eyes dropping from her face down to her chest before going back up. 

"You're literally so gross." Saturn scoffed shaking her head as his drunken breath smacked her in the face like a brick wall. She went to brush past him but he stepped in front of her. Her face was directly in front of his chest, she knew that if she looked up he'd be in her face and she really didn't want that. 

"Move." She said pushing his chest slightly but the older boy didn't budge instead she could see his chest bouncing with taunting laughter. "Gotta give me some sugar first." He said tapping his cheek lightly as he took a small step away from her so he could see her face. "Keegan seriously leave me alone." She said giving him a nasty glare but the 18 year old just wasn't getting it. 

"God, don't be such a bi-" Before he could finish his sentence Saturn brought her fist back and let it connect with the taller kook's nose. She heard several people gasp when Keegan let out a loud yell and jerked back holding his now bleeding nose. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" He yelled looking up at Saturn like she was crazy. By now JJ and Kiara were at Saturn's side asking if she was okay while several other teens gathered around. "Nothing's fucking wrong with me you're just creepy mother fucker!" She yelled back.

It was that night and that night alone that Saturn Cameron became a Pogue. 

Author's Note




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