If only ↪

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If only you could listen this moment. If only you could understand the weight of the moment. If only you would calm your damn breathe while swallowing the momentary sadness.Then you Won't have to live on your agonize life, you won't have to scare to look at your own reflection at the mirror. If only you's shown a little bit tolerance to let the words flow on the air.If you don't consume the bitterness of moment but grab tge sweetness of mere possibilities, then you won’t regret to your old self.

Words are fierce than bullet and emotions are more cheater than an enemy.  You love to see the world, yet you are the one your own hindrance to smile heart wholely.

Every phase will be end and turn over with new uncertain wave. But the moment you already release your breathe, never come back to you again in lifetime.  Think the moment, swallow the time and do wisely after thinking thirce before sprouting an unwanted bitter verbal.

The more you would age, the more you become calm. But calmness doesn’t mean, you become right on every object. Let your head bow towards the right. Don't compare yourself with person but with nature- this tree, soil, air and the water. Life will please with you with fortune.

Don't pray for only good days with better life. Pray may God give you the strength, patience to turn your every bad days into a good one.

You're just like a wet Clay which is molded on various time in different pave yet You're soft as pure to bloom smilingly 🌻

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