Tenya Iida

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Title: I don't want to study today.

Y/n groaned. Of course they loved being with their boyfriend, Tenya Iida, but it was pretty annoying that half the time all he wanted to do was study.

"Iida." They groaned. "Is there anything else we could do today? Like... I don't know, hang out with some friends? It's a Saturday, anyways." They leaned their head on his shoulder, looking down onto the page he was studying.

"Actually..." Tenya covered his mouth, which he often did when deep in thought. Y/n couldn't help but get a tad excited that there was a chance they would stop studying.

"What if we visited your brother? He must have a similar quirk to you." He smiled as he turned his head to you. "I haven't meet him."

"Hm." Y/n grumbled. "Maybe." Of course, y/n did have a reason Tenya never met their brother. See, y/n is adopted. At 10 years old, their single parent mother, died in a car crash. Luckily y/n only broke thier leg and fractured there arm. And they're were very clearly adopted, due to the fact that they looked very different from their family.

Then there was the fact that there brother was a pro hero. He had a close quirk to y/n. Heat. They often laughed about how big of a coincidence it was. Both could make them selfs overwhelmingly hot, making it to wearing if they get warm enough they will make people not even to close to them sun burn.

"Great!" Tenya cheered. Y/n knew that they couldn't deny him now that he had shown such excitement for it.

Y/n and Tenya's feet crunch on the layers of leafs that their brother didn't bother to move. Y/n smiled, enjoying the simple sound.

"It's cute, how you enjoy things as little as a leafs crunch." Tenya smiled. Y/n shrugged.

"I don't know. I just really like the sound." Y/n walked up to the door and rung the door bell.

"Coming!" The familiar deep voice yelled, seemingly form his kitchen. "Y/n! I haven't seen you in forever!" He cheered. Y/n rubbed their neck.

"Well, going to UA makes someone kinda busy." There brother hugged them tightly, nearly chocking them.

"God, you've gotta stronger. Now let go of me!" Y/n laughed. Tenya continued to stand awkwardly. He raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you to look so different?" He asked. There it was, the question you'd been dressing the whole train ride there. How are you going to answer?

"I Uh..." Y/n mumbled.

"Ooooh, who's this?" Y/J's brother let go. "You finally got a boyfriend?" He looked to him. "Looks are out of your league."

"Oh my god!" Y/n punched his arm. "I'm gonna kill you!" They groaned. "Well, remember that car crash I told you about, where I broke my leg and fractured my arm?"

"Yes. It did seem awful painful, how you described it." Tenya noted.

"Yeah, that may or may not have been a very big crash and my mother at the time may or may not have died." Y/n cringed at there own words. They knew they should have told him earlier, but still.

"Oh." Tenya gasped. "I..." He pushes himself forward and hugged Y/n. Y/n's brother looked at them with approval. Y/n held on tight.

"Thanks, Tenya." Y/n smiled. Tenya nodded.

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