Katsuki Bakugou

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Title: You caught me at first punch.

Concept: Bakugou is being rude and disrespectful as normal, and y/n is finally done with him. He discovers that he finds people standing up against him hot.

Y/n's quirk: Teleportation. If you don't know how this works, I'm concerned.

Y/n sat quietly, scrolling tumblr as Bakugou and Midoryia had yet another fight. Of course they hated when they fought, everyone did. At this point it wasn't even the fact that everyone was upset for most. Now it's was just how much of a constant it was.

Y/n didn't have that much popularity in the school. They kept a low profile, only occasionally being recognized for being one of the winners at the sports festival. Number six, just out of reach. Something else about Y/n; they hate yelling.

Y/n was one of the few that cared for the actual issues anymore. Even if often time Bakugou just started yelling at Midoryia just because he sniffled or something while he walked past him.

And y/n was done with having to deal with the sound of two friends- ish's arguing constantly.

"Can you two just shut up? Neither of you bothered one another, just ignore each other." Y/n said in the split second of silence, where the only sound from the two was Midoryia's quiet whimpering and Bakugou loud growling.
Their like dogs.

"No! This nerd is in my way!" Bakugou's voice screamed, piercing through the air like knives. As normal.

"Then walk around him?" Y/n leaned their head back on the couch to look at the two. "It's awful easy. If you can't walk around someone, especially if their as little as Midoryia," y/n said, receiving a quiet "hey!" from Midoryia.

"Then you'll never become number 1 hero. Heck, if you can't do that, you'll never become a hero in the first place." Y/n continued.

Bakugou's deep growl made y/n proudly smile and snicker. "You think this is funny!?"

"Quite a bit, really." Y/n gave a toothy grin.

"AHHH!" Midoryia screamed as Bakugou did his classic explosive hands, walking towards him. Y/n quickly teleported in front of Midoryia, and took the explosion.

A slight burn showed, not quite enough to stay for years, but enough to stay for a few weeks. Maybe months. No blood, just a burn. Y/n groaned.

"Well that hurt." They grumbled, putting a hand on their face. Bakugou didn't know how to react to the sudden act of heroism, and when he doesn't know what to do, he just acts angry. Or angrier.

"What?! Why did you do that, dumby!?" He yelled, getting spit onto Y/n's face. Y/n groaned.

It was a quick chose, one they didn't think of to much. A little more of instinct then a real chose. They gave a quick right hook, (I'm doing right, in a fight if you were to do a hook you want to use your dominant hand if you do a hook.) smacking Bakugou hard and making him fall to the ground and get KO'ed. Y/n wore their normal relaxed expression as they threw him on their shoulder, bringing him to their backpack.

They kept a first aid kit, due to getting hurt quite often. The class was attacked by villains the most for whatever reason, so they carry first aid just in case.

Gasps and whispers filled the whole room. Y/n didn't bother to listen. They soft sat their hand on the side of his face, and turned his head over slightly. Their was a bit of blood, though each to patch up.

They grabbed a band aid from a small, and noisy, bag and put in on the blood area after cleaning it with water and drying the water off.

"Done." They smiled. "Now for this..." They grumbled. They had been ignoring the pain, but as soon as they acknowledged it, it hurt like hell. They pressed their fingers to it. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" They whispered to themselves.

They took a spare water bottle and spilled it into their hand, gently wiping their burn. They put on some bandages. They shooed some class mates off the couch, and layed Bakugou down on the couch.

Y/n layed their head on the small amount of space Bakugou didn't take up. They were sure he wouldn't wake for a while, so they let themselves sleep. The other quickly filed out to their own dorm rooms to sleep.

Bakugou woke in the middle of the night, suddenly on the couch. He turned over... and there they were.

Siting there, sleeping. This was the first time Bakugou bothered to take a good look at them. They were very handsome. Or pretty. He didn't even know how to describe it.

He was lots calmer than most would think he would be in the situation. He was tired and didn't have much energy left for the day even before the argument. So, he was calm and quiet.

He put his hand on the burn, a sympathetic look on his face. He knew he shouldn't have done it. He was glad that they didn't tell Aizawa.

"Hm." He hummed. "Your awful pretty, for an extra." He whispered.

Y/n woke up. They had made a habit of not opening their eyes when waking up, and they noticed Bakugou's hot hands. They ultimately decided not to react. See what he would do.

He sat, staring. "It's weird." He mumbled.

"Why..." He blinked his eyes a few times. "Why I'm the world... did I... almost... like it, when you punched me...?" He took distant pauses between words. Y/n held back a laugh.

"It's dumb. I shouldn't find someone punching me hot." Y/n's cheeks went slightly red. Bakugou shrugged it off as from his quirk.

"I'm dumb some times." His nose wrinkled. He sighed, warm breath coming onto y/n's face. "Common sense says I should hate you right now. But my mind is currently screaming." He took a pause and cleared his voice.

"Their hot! They stood up to you! That's hot!" He chuckled. "It's so dumb." He snickered.

"You are... nice. That's all you'll get outta me." Bakugou smiled lightly. His face relaxed, and he leaned closer to Y/n. Touching foreheads.

"Maybe I'll change my feelings about you. Respect someone who isn't Kiri." He snickered.

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