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Title: Stupid.

Concept: Bakugo has a very insecure s/o, in which he had no idea they were so insecure. Yet, somehow, when he tries to find help in his friends after he thinks y/n is angry at him for the first time, everyone else in the class knows.

Notes: Angsty. Touchy/ insecure s/o aka y/n. Controlling parents.

"Hey dumbass, wanna watch a movie?" Bakugo yelled as he went to open the door to y/n's dorm room. "Huh? Why's it locked? Their probably changing." He thought.

"Could you at least respond?" He yelled through the door after a few more seconds with no reply.

"J-just... leave me be for a bit, Bakugo." Y/n stuttered. Bakugo stepped back a bit out of surprise, y/n never used his last name. It was always Katsuki, or Katsu, or a sweet nickname. But Bakugo? They hadn't called him that since before they were even friends.

"Uhh..." He wasn't sure what to say. "Okay?" He said. It came out as more of a question then a reply.

"Thanks... thanks Bakugo." Bakugo could hear their bed creaking from them moving.

He walked down to the common room and made himself some spicy ramen.

"Why don't they wanna hang out?" He thought. "Their usual all over me. Even if it doesn't seem like it, I like how touchy they are."

He sighed, pouring the ramen into a bowl.

"Maybe their just having a bad day? They've got to be tried, they've been training with me a lot lately. And their getting better." He slurped his ramen, sitting at the tables.

"But... oh no. I forgot about that argument we had yesterday. What was it about? I was to tired to remember." Bakugo shook his head, trying to somehow shake the memory back to his mind.

"Their probably still mad at me..." Bakugo groaned. "Wasn't I just asking them to study harder? Their grades have been slipping lately and it shows." He drank the ramen water from the bowl, wiping his mouth.

"What are you talking about, Bakugo?" Kirishima asked, turning his head towards him in the kitchen while he put away his bowl.

"Oh, was I talking out loud?" He asked. Kirishima nodded, a small goofy grin on his face.

"Wipe that grin off your face. How much did you get?"

"You said something like "their probably still mad, and how whoever's grades are slipping." Kirishima sat on a stool in front of Bakugo.
"Who is it, anyways?"

"Y/n. Their almost failing all their classes, and I was trying to help them last night. And we got in a fight, i think their still mad at me." He groaned.

Kirishima raised an eyebrow. "I don't really know what else they could do at this point, beside get some more sleep, and eat more like everyone's been telling them to." Kirishima let out a light, clearly fake, chuckle. He felt lots of pity for y/n.

"What do you mean? They could study, train more, work harder in class, they get enough sleep, and when it comes to training they could eat better." Bakugo slowly got frustrated towards y/n all over again.

"What do you mean?" Kirishima laughed. "They've been working hard, too hard."

"What do you mean?" Bakugou's head snapped towards Kirishima from the information that was very different from his own.

"They study all night. A few nights ago, me Denki and Sero were playing video games all night. We went down around five am for some snacks and y/n was sitting at the tables, studying. We asked if they needed anything and they just said coffee. We put them on the couch and they passed out." He chuckled.

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