Dumbledores breaking point

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Dumbldores pov:
I took a deep breath, I was so close to losing it with them. "Why the hell are we here?! We're not students anymore!!" Malory protested
"You are waiting here until I can get proper reinforcement." I said quietly
Roses pov:
As we were walking out I started to hear a conversation that I had never had, it wasn't my own. It was between Dumbledore,McGonagall and my parents.....so how was I hearing it,???
Dumbledores POV:
I felt someone reading my mind, but nobody in this room could read minds, I was sure of it. I started applying occumency and whoever it was left. I wouldn't forget this encounter....Next I summoned minister Harold Minchum who came quite fast when I told him the situation (I had told him about the situation before) "You will be led to a holding cell before we decide your punishment via court session!" Harold declared to which Malory started laughing "No thanks, look all we did was discipline her!"
"That damn brat needed some sense knocked int-" Tom started
"Silence!" I shouted "I will not have that type of  language used in my office especially against one of my students! That poor girl has been through enough without you continuing to bad mouth her everyday regardless whether she's in the room or not, it's ridiculous and I won't tolerate it in my office. Under no circumstances!" I yelled, everybody was quiet.
It was silent for a few more minutes until Harold talked
"Ahem!" He said and the rest went by quite fast, I knew at some point soon Rose would find out about this sooner or later, but I still dreaded it because Minerva had told me how she felt about this

Rose Evergarden- Year oneWhere stories live. Discover now