On the train

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We entered the train and found a compartment with only a few people in, I hastily went to tuck in my splints
"Stop," Mike said, "you're going to be classmates with them for years you can't hide it forever!"
I nodded and we slid open the door and went inside
There were 2 other people in there they were both boys one had black long curly hair and the other had light brown hair
"Hello!" The brown-haired boy said, "I'm Remus Lupin what about you?"
"I'm Mike Waterland," Mike said
"I'm James Potter," James said with the same prince-like voice
"And I'm...um Rose Evergarden..."
"Nice to meet you all! Sit down please!"Remus said happily motioning to the empty seats
I smiled, finally, we can sit down!
"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Lupin asked the black-haired boy
"Oh, what I wasn't listening I'm Sirius Black."
The boy said
A few minutes passed by with idle chit chat about Quidditch I don't know I wasn't listening my legs were killing finally the pain was too much I winced.
"You ok?" Mike asked, "Or do we need to go?"
"I'm..." I went to answer but....ok what was going on the pain seemed magnified
Then James burst out laughing and I realised he had been pointing his wand at my legs, magnifying the pain...
"Hey! What do you think you're doing??" Mike asked
"No...Mike just....leave it..." I muttered the other two boys looked up. Could this day get ANY worse?!?!
"Hey what's going on?" Sirius asked
"He!" Mike said pointing at James "was trying to use magic on" he pointed at me "Her!!"
"To do what?!?!" Sirius asked

Oh god.
Please no one answer that question.

"What did I say something?" Sirius said when no one replied

Silence still

"Will someone answer?!?!" He said angrily

"I'm just going to go...." I said going to leave
Just as I did James tripped me up
"Hahaha!!" James laughed
I fell but I managed just in time to hide my splints but I had a feeling the Remus boy saw I didn't care I just got up and ran out of the compartment.

Still in the compartment

"That was mean dude..." Sirius said
Remus looked shocked. Oh no. Did he see it?
"Hey!" Mike said rounding on James
"Why'd you have to do that you know..." Mikes voice trailed off
"Know what?" James said smugly
"She's my best friend!" Mike shouted
"She's an attention seeker!!" James bit back
"Guys..." Sirius said
"I'll fight you!" James shouted
Then a voice intervened
"No one will be fighting anyone!" Someone said sternly they all looked up to see a woman dressed in emerald green robes. Oh, shoot. This was a Hogwarts Professor. And they all knew it.
"Now I must ask for no more fighting, please. And keep your voices down! Your filling the corridor!" The teacher said then shut the compartment door and left

Rose after she left
I ran to find the closest, Emptiest compartment possible and found one with only a boy with back greasy hair and a girl with ginger hair and freckles in. Well can't hurt to be rejected again I thought and I opened the door.
"Is this compartment free?" I asked
"Sure!" The girl said
I smiled thanked her and entered
"Now I'm Lilly Evans!" The girl said smiling "And this is Severus shape!" she said motioning to the boy next to her, the boy nodded courteously.
"I'm Rose, Rose Evergarden!" I said immediately sending different energy from this compartment
"So why'd you come and sit with us?" Severus asked boredly
"Severus!" Lilly said punching him "What he means is did it take you this long to find a
"No actually...I kinda...ran out of the other compartment the boy, James was being mean.."
"James potter?" Lilly asked, "well if it makes you feel any better we ran out as well they're wicked!"
"Why were they being mean?" Severus asked
I turned red
"You don't have to answer," Lilly said reassuringly
"I'll tell you...but you have to promise not to tell anyone ok?" I asked
"Yeah ok!" They both Said in unison
I told them everything. I even showed them my splints. I don't know why.
"See, I told you they were evil!!" Severus said
"They do seem pretty mean!" Lilly said

"Wanna be friends?" Lilly asked out of the blue a few minutes later
"Sure!" I said. Then the silence was broken and we talked about everything until we arrived at Hogwarts..

A/N: JESUS THIS TOOK ME AN HOUR TO WRITE. JESUS CHRIST!!! MY FINGERS HURT!!! Also this took a turn, originally they were supposed to be nice then Lilly and Snape would come in and Rose would come after them but i switched things up! Also please tell me if anyone actually reads this story please!

Rose Evergarden- Year oneWhere stories live. Discover now