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"We can revive JD with our wolf healing powers." Lafayette says. "Ready, wolves? 3,2,1, now!" They all howled in unison, and JD sat up.

The kids all went inside for lunch. JD got a band aid on his bite. Aaron squeezed his yogurt cup, and the yogurt flew out onto the table.

Jared grabbed his peach cup, and did the same. What are these kids doing now?

Lafayette did the same to his crossiant, but nothing happened. "Dang it." He took Alex's koolaid, and squeezes it, squirting juice all over the table. "Yay!"

"Let me try it with my apple sauce." Duke squeezes the apple sauce, and it shoots out. She starts laughing hysterically.

Cleves does it with her caprisun, Maria with her water bottle, Katherine A. with her spaghetti, Eliza with her milk, Thomas with his tomato, James with his pizza, Crutchie with his cupcake, and JD with his sandwich.

It continues like that, and the tables are a complete mess. This is going to suck cleaning up later.

Jane starts screaming. "THERE'S A BEE!" "Oh snapaturtle!" Evan screams, and jumps out of his seat.

Perfect. "Calm down, it's just a bee." Mr. Washington said. "Crap, it stung me!" Katherine P. yells. Jack covers Crutchie's ears. "That's a BAD word!"

"I hate bees!" Jane starts crying again. "Katherine Howard to the principals office." "Ooooooooh!" The whole class said. "Shut up!" Katherine H. yells. "That's a bad word!" Evan says.

"Mr. Washington, I don't feel so go-." Aaron throws up sand all over Chandler. "Ewww!"

He takes Aaron to nurse, leaving the kids alone in the classroom.

Hercules gets on the table, and starts licking up the food. Alex, Lafayette, and John join him. Everyone looks at them weird. "What? We're wolves. It's what we do."

The teacher comes back with Aaron and Katherine H.

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