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They had a different substitute the next day. "I'm Mr.Dean. I'll be subbing for today." "That's my dad." JD said to Veronica.

"Do you really blow up buildings?" Chandler asked. "Yes. I blew one up yesterday." "Wow." "Time to take attendance." "Katherine of Aragon?" "Here." "Anne Boleyn?" "Here!" "Alexander Hamilton?" "Present!" "Aaron Burr?" Aaron raised his hand, with sand in his mouth. "He's eating sand again because he's a stupid face." Charles said. "That's a bad word!" Evan says. "So is crap, that's why I say oh snapaturtle."

"Well I say..." Mr.Dean said a lot of really bad words. The kids' jaws dropped. "Oh snapaturtle..." Evan said quietly. Jack had his hands over Crutchie's ears the whole time. "Don't say that!" He said.

"Wow, are these your drawings? They look terrible. Especially this one." He pointed to Evan's drawing of a tree. Evan started crying, and Connor threw a desk at Mr. Dean, but missed and hit Aaron instead. "What the hell?" "You're being mean to Evan. He's my best friend." Connor said, hugging Evan. "You were being a big meanie." Mr. Dean grabbed Connor by his throat, and the kids started screaming, except JD. He let Connor go. "Why weren't you scared, JD?" McNamara asked. "It's normal guys." JD said. Veronica, Martha, and the Heathers exchanged worried looks.

"Snack time." JD pulled out a melted slushie, and started drinking it, and Thomas had a whole tray of Mac and cheese, and Veronica had warm orange juice and partially thawed waffles.

A new kid walked into the class. "Hi my name is Davey Ja-" "No one cares." Mr. Dean said. "Wanna be friends with me?" Jack said. "Yeah, sure." Davey sat with Jack and Crutchie.

The kids ate their snacks and talked. After that, they were supposed to watch a movie. He put in the movie, and all the kids were horrified by what played. Jack covered Crutchie's eyes, James hid under his blankie, the wolf kids were howling, Anne kept hissing while the other cat girls tried to calm her down, Maria screamed and covered her eyes, Evan yelled "oh snapaturtle", and the rest of the kids were screaming, except JD. "My dad watched this once when I was around. I'm not scared by it anymore."

Once all the kids were calm, it was lunch time. Everyone ate in silence. It was raining, so they had indoor recess. The wolf kids were playing with legos, the cat girls were coloring, the Schuyler sisters and Maria were playing with dolls, the Heathers, Martha, and Veronica were braiding each other's hair, and JD was with them, Aaron was reading by himself, Evan, Connor, and Jared were playing with blocks, and Jack was drawing with Crutchie and Davey.

JD was braiding Veronica's hair. "We're gonna watch a different movie. It's called Sausage Party." "Dad! No more!" "Son, sit down and watch the movie!" "NO! TURN THAT OFF!" Mr. Dean choked JD. All the kids kept screaming, so Mr. Dean dropped him. The kids were all quiet during nap time, and the school day ended.

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