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The next day at school, they had a substitute. "Hey kids! I'm Mrs. Fleming! I'm going to be your substitute teacher for today, since Mr. Washington has a meeting."

The wolf clan started howling and sniffing. "What are you boys doing?" "Seeing if we can trust you." "Okay?"

"Anyways class. I'm going to teach all of you how to count. Connor! Can you count to ten for the class."

"Um, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3532, 10." "That's not what comes after 6." "What does then?" "...7." "Oh... 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10." "NO."

The class was impossible to teach. No one learned anything. Reading, spelling, and counting. Mrs.Fleming hated this class already. "Okay, snack time."

Thomas had a handful of berries. "Aren't those from outside?" Aaron asked, taking out a bag of sand.

"Yes." Everyone gasped. "Thomas! Those are poisonous!" Lafayette said. "No they're not." "Yes they are!" JD said. "I don't even like you Thomas, but don't eat those." Alex says.

"You guys are so dumb. I'll be fine." He shoves a handful in his mouth, starts coughing, and falls over dramatically. "OH SNAPATURTLE HE'S DEAD!" Evan screams.

The whole class starts screaming and crying. "Do you want some Jello James?" Katherine A. asks. James cried and held his blankie. "NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR JELLO!" Veronica yells. "JELLO MAKES EVERYONE FEEL BETTER!"

"OUR WOLF HEALING POWERS AREN'T WORKING!" "WHY?" James yells. "I DON'T KNOW!" "Kids! Kids! Calm down! Thomas isn't dead! Thomas, please get up."

Thomas suddenly sits up, as if the wolves healing powers actually worked. "He's alive!" Aaron says.

James runs up to Thomas and gives him a big hug.

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