An opportunity awaits

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I walk quickly threw the alleys of Gotham. I don't need anyone seeing me in the light, especially since I've pissed of half the city. Well me and Selina Kyle.
Ever since she killed my old boss Barbara Kean, Tabitha has been training us, mentoring if you will. We're a pretty good team. Especially since I've now become just as good a thief as Selina. I'm really good at fighting too. I'm much softener than I was four mounts ago but after I was saved and taken to a hospital I relished I needed to start a new. At first I'd gone back to the sirens club but penguin had taken it over and demanded I leave. Homeless I went to Selina and Tabitha. Selina and Tabitha let me stay with them in their squat and Tabitha agreed to help me get back in my feet. I didn't blame her for what happened to Babs but I don't think I ever really forgave her either. It's not as if Barbara was a saint though. She hurt me, threatened my life, shot me twice, yet still I was loyal to her. I don't really know why. I'm not entirely over it though, I do miss her a bit. Only a bit though.
I'm really busy as of late which is good I suppose cause it keeps my mind of Barbara. But it's weird, especially since I saw her die. After the fact everyone wanted to interview me, penguin, some lady name Valerie Vale and of course Jim.
I told him everything, he seemed half relived but also half upset. I knew they had a complicated history, but then again so did I. And it's not like I knew Barbara for that long but I did get her, I knew and I knew she loved Tabitha, but she had killed butch, and that was just to far. For Tabitha at least.
I didn't really know what to think of what she'd done, but I'll admit I was pissed. I mean who shoots some one twice, acts like their garbage and then just dies in them. No apology, no help, nothing. I'd been loyal to Barbara and she'd left me with nothing. It was her fault I had worked for her in the first place after all, she's threatened to kill me.
But now here I am, one of the best thieves in Gotham, living somewhat comfortably with Selina and finally free of being bossed around.
I get back to the squat just around four, Salina's not home but I expected that. She's probably off with Tabby or robbing someone blind.
Our apartment is pretty small, not big enough for the two of us but we manage. And besides any home is better than no home. Particularly since my old apartment had been seized by the land lord. I had a bit of money from working at the club but it soon became clear it's wasn't enough. I was obviously underpaid. I flip down on the old chair we use a a couch. Selina and me found it near a dumpster last week, it's comfy but not nearly as nice as the one I used to sleep on at the sirens. I spot an envelope on our coffee table. It's addressed to me and Selina and tabby.
I open it up and two small cards slip out.
"And opportunity awaits" It reads. Under it is an address and a note telling us to come tonight.
I wonder who it could be from, and why both me and Selina got one. What if it's a trap. Or maybe it's from tabby, no she would have just told us to our faces. I pull out my phone and search for the adress.
From the looks of it it's in centre Gotham, not to far from here. I can't see exactly what it is though, probably a share house or something. I sigh and heave myself up. If I'm gonna go I should probably be prepared. I pull out my gun and a couple pocket knifes. Then I dress in a black leather jacket and red cropped top.

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