Chapter 11

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"I ordered tea, not milk," I complain to Ian but he tells me to drink milk and go home and sleep so that I have the energy to film the action scenes tomorrow. I huff at him. He always treats me like I'm a little baby. 

"I'm not a kid to have to drink milk," I say while taking a sip from the cup. I accidentally take a big sip and almost burn my mouth from the hot milk. 

"If you are not a kid then how did you get it all over your mouth?" he jokes while I put the cup down and try to wipe off my face with the napkin. 

"It's alright. Move closer." Ian says while helping me wipe my face. "It's not all gone." he teases me when I move back a little.

"Ian, are you going to order any dessert for Susan? You said she likes dessert from this cafe, didn't you?" I ask him after I finish drinking the milk. 

"Even if I buy it I don't know if she'll eat it." he brushes off the question but I tell him it doesn't matter if she eats it or not and that him buying it for her is enough and she'll know that he is always thinking of her. 

"Your tongue's sharp today." he mocks, setting his face on his hand and his elbow over the table.

 "Otherwise would they call me the actress with a scissor mouth?" I reply with a satisfying smirk. 

"Oh, I thought you got all that alias because you are good at insults." he teases again. I fake a giggle and tell him that he is funny. 

"So are you going to order it? I'll order it for you." I take him back to the question and do not wait for his reply and call the waiter. 

"Jade, no need. It's alright." he sends the waiter back. I look at him confused.

"If she wants to eat it I'll come back and buy it." He shrugs his shoulders.

"If you weren't the director I'd call you dumb." I say with gritted teeth. I don't know what is wrong with both of them and I'm sure they can solve thi smatter on their own but I certainly don't want to be the cause of their fights.  

"Jade saying it to my face is insulting me," he says as if he is really hurt by my comment. 

"It's because of this behaviour of yours that Susan thinks you're interested in others more than her. Why don't you give her enough attention?" I ask him, concerned. I know Susan is a very difficult woman to handle but after all she is his wife and he should give her enough attention and love. 

"Even if I do, she doesn't notice. I tie her shoes and guess what, she doesn't even look at me so what's so special about a dessert?" he complains, disappointment apparent in his tone. 

"The first time you saw Susan you told me that she was the star of the university and you were just a dumb guy." I laugh and tell him to think about what he has done for a woman like Susan to love him something more than tying her shoes. He looks down like he is thinking. "So what is that something that you can do now to make her love you once again?" I half say and half question. 

"I want Susan to hear you right now so she'll know that while she thinks you're trying to steal me from her you are in fact trying to save our love." he raises his voice a bit, sounding mad at Susan.

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