Chapter 8

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"Pick up Jade! The event holders keep asking me. Pick up!!" Danny screamed in agitation while pacing back and forth in the parking lot.

And just then he heard tires screeching behind him. He shrieked in panic, the phone still pressed to his ear. The car finally came to halt just before it could touch his leg. He kept yelling and jumping but finally managed to notice that nothing had happened and he was fine. He turned around when he heard the woman in the car yell as she pressed the brake.

His eyes widened when he saw Jade sitting in the driving seat, yelling and slapping the steering wheel with her one hand, while her eyes were screwed shut in fear. He ran to her side and started banging on the window, 

"Jade, Jade! Open the door !!" 

I finally came to my senses and opened my eyes to see Danny calling me. It took me a few minutes to understand what was actually happening because it felt like I was reliving that dreadful day of the accident. I pushed open the door and hopped off the car.

"Jade, are you alright?"

"Danny, are you okay?" We both said at the same time, hearts still beating frantically.

"My leg? well, it's still here. I'm fine." Danny replied touching his legs to make sure he actually was okay. Danny sure likes to exaggerate things. "But I should ask you what's wrong? Why were you screaming like that? Are you alright?"

"I'm alright." I looked at his expressions for a second before I shrugged and replied nonchalantly as if nothing happened. I turned, open the door of the car, and bent to grab my belongings from the passenger seat.

Danny furrowed his eyebrows at her response and asked again, "Are you sure you're alright? You know if there's something wrong you can tell-" His lips sealed on their own when Jade slammed the door shut and glared at him. 

"Well, I'm-I'm worried." He stuttered and looked at her with concern. 

I knew Danny for as long as I could remember. He was her manager from the beginning of her career and now he was more like a brother to her so when I saw the look on his face, I realized he is genuinely concerned. So, I sighed and smiled at him as I replied, "I'm totally fine." And turned, pulling my bag over my shoulder and leaving a bewildered Danny behind. I felt I was convincing enough, at least I hoped I was.

"There are so many reporters J." Danny informed just as they came out of the elevator. I sighed dramatically, rolling my eyes at the sight of a dozen reporters. These people have nothing else to do other than running after famous people and making false news. I thought. And yes I admit I am famous.

As if the day couldn't get any better, I saw Samantha walking towards us with her secretary. Not again!! I groaned inwardly.

"Hey, Jade!" Samantha greeted, in a fake smile and gentle voice. I also faked a smile. "I'm happy that you're still here. I was just telling Hannah that I'll visit you after work." 

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