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I felt the sun warming up my face, I sat up and looked around, I wasn't home.

"How many times has this been now?" I stretched and got up

I looked around and realized it was the bands house.

"Good morning y/n!" Noodle smiled at me

"Ah good morning Noodle." I smiled at her and greeted everyone else

"Here." 2D gave me a cup of what seem to be tea.

"What is this?" I looked down at it, it had a nice  scent to it. It made me feel all nice and fuzzy.

"It's ah tea I make for hangovers, we make it a lot because of Murdoc." He handed me a spoon and a piece of toast.

"Thanks 2D, I think I need this." I just realized how much my head was pounding and it felt like I was being hit on the head by a hammer.

"Anytime y/n." He went back to making breakfast

"Morning." I turned my head and saw Murdoc fresh out of the shower. Water droplets were falling from his dark hair onto the wooden floor. He had a towel around his waist and he was yawing.

"Are you okay y/n?" Noodle looked at me worried and Murdoc turn to look at me with a smirk

"YEP! I mean yeah I'm fine." I took a sip of the tea, my eyes moved on their own to look at Murdoc.

"Where is my tea at Face ache." Murdoc leaned on the wall looking at me

"Here yew go, now sit down." 2D sighed

"How'd you sleep y/n." Murdoc took a long sip of the tea.

"Oh I slept good," I gave him a smile

"Bet you did, after that, who wouldn't." He winked at me

"What do you mean." Was I missing something?

Russel and 2D's eye widened at they looked at eachother

I was so confused.

"I still don't get it?" I gave Murdoc a weird look

"Don't act dumb luv, you tried to kiss me!" He laughed, I felt my face burn up along with my ears.

"WE KISSED?!" I yelled and covered my face

Noodle looked as confused as ever.

"Sweet Satan, I was kidding y/n!" Murdoc was almost rolling on the floor from the laughter.

"You dick head!" I punched his arm and looked away from him in embarrassment.

"Aw come on luv, if you want to do that just tell me." He winked and laughed some more

"In your dreams you idiot." I glared at him

"You're right." He smirked at finished up his tea

I brushed off his comment and eat my breakfast.

"You're a really good cook 2D." I finished up washing my dish

"Ah fank's, I just put stuff together." He scratched his neck and gave me a smile

"You should teach me sometime!" He nodded and we gave each other our numbers

"We'll I should be getting home, thanks for the food and the bed to sleep in." I hugged Noodle and said goodbye to everyone else.

" I'll take you home come on." Murdoc walked past me to his car.

"Oh okay! See you guys!" I waved one last time and hoped into the car with Murdoc

"Yew were so drunk last night, It was amazing." Murdoc kept teasing me

"Last time I ever go out with you." I snapped back

"Aw come on don't be cold Luv." He put his arm around me and gave me a side hug

"I really thought we hooked up." I laughed, I turned to look at him and he had a serious face.

We stopped since there was a bit of traffic.

"I wasn't joking luv, It was all true. Yew were actually the one who started it." He grabbed my face as he said this, even though I didn't want it to happen my face heated up and I looked away.

"Look at me,want me to explain what happened." He leaned in and then a car honked at us,  he let go of my face and started to drive again.

The rest of the car ride was silent, I would look over to him only to see him smirking as he hummed the song that was playing.

"Thanks for dropping me off." I opened the door and got out.

My body was yanked back into the car.

"Yew know if you even want to do that again." He looked my up and down

"Just let me know." He winked at let me go.

I glared at him while my fave heated up and I got out of the car. He drove off once I was out.

"That jerk." I opened my door and went inside to freshen up.


"Hello?" I had just gotten out of the showers and I was picking out an outfit.

"Why isn't he dead yet!" They guy yelled into the phone

"I told you it would take time." I rolled my eye, I hate when clients are impatient.

"I want him dead by the 27th of this month or else." He hung up right after, I looked at the date.

December 10th.

Love kills Murdoc x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now