Chapter 19: Romantic Side Of Life

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I sat with Delina at my apartment an hour after Kevin's proposal, my heart beating quickly. My thoughts were a tangled web, all focused on the same thing; if I'd have asked Bry to marry me, how would I? Would he have even said yes? Bry had never seemed like the type to reject marriage, but something told me it would've been awhile before he was ready. Or maybe that's you talking.

Love, marriage, and all of that cute stuff, had always been a happy place for me. I'd adored the romantic side of life since I was a kid, but somehow, I'd failed at having a good love life of my own. Bry had been the first. He was charming from the get-go, and he'd made me feel different. I had never told him that, though. That's the one thing I regret deeply.

"Do you think they'll invite us?" Delina asked casually as she laid on the couch beside me.

"I mean... I hope so?" I replied, lifting my feet up to curl into a ball.

"You remember what you said, about the tattoo shop?" She messed with my hair lightly as she spoke.

"I believe in you, yada yada?" I responded jokingly.

"You're so funny," She said sarcastically.

"I remember," I conceded, smiling. "Why? What's up?"

"I was thinking... if you can do this book, maybe I can do the tattoo shop. I mean, you got this inspiration out of nowhere. Maybe that's all I need, inspiration." She confided. "Well, inspiration and a little luck."

"Have you talked to the owners since they said they want to sell the shop?" I asked curiously.

"No," She stated simply. "I can't. I'm not sure what I would say. I mean, how do you say fuck you for throwing my career down the drain while being nice?"

"Say it nicely?" I frowned, my feelings hurt for her.

"Kallie, I appreciate the support. With everything you're going through, you could be locked up in your room and ignoring me. I wouldn't be mad about it." Delina sighed, sadness in her voice.

"What's bothering you really?" I asked, my gut telling me there was more.

She looked at me with genuine grief filling her face, her eyes watering. "Before I got the job... it belonged to my sister."

"I'm so sorry..." I put my hand on her shoulder, my eyes watering too. "I... I'm so sorry..."

"It's ok," She sniffled, wiping tears away. "I guess it just... feels like part of her is being taken away."

I felt awful, wishing I could do anything to help Delina. That's when I decided then and there to do something I'd never normally do. I grabbed my phone, running to my room and calling my mother. The line rang a few times, and I almost gave up hope just as she answered.

"Mom..." I said nervously.

"K- Kallie?" My mother gasped in shock. "How are you, sweetie! God, it's been so long... is everything ok? Are you still working at that car place?"

"Uh... mom... I wish this was a good call, but... I need a favor. A huge favor. Do you remember the college money?" I asked as I started shaking.

"Of course," She hesitated worriedly. "What's wrong? Why do you need money?"

"Um..." I tried to phrase it carefully as I spoke. "It's a business opportunity."

"Really?!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Oh, that's great! What is it, exactly?"

"Well, it's... someone really close to me. She's got a shop that's really important to her and... let's just say... I'm helping?" I asked carefully.

"Kallie..." My mom sounded uneasy. "That sounds very shady, sweetie."

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