Chapter 20: Most Lovely Words

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I spent three long and restless months working on the project I'd made, writing and editing every chapter with Delina by my side the whole time. As I typed the last few words of the final chapter, I was a nervous wreck. Delina was curled up on the couch beside me, watching TV and waiting for me to finish. I finally wrote the last word, feeling oddly sad. I didn't want it to be over.

"That it?" Delina asked when she heard me stop talking to myself and tapping the keyboard.

"Yeah," I breathed in shock. "I can't believe it..."

"I'm so proud, babe," She smiled and rubbed my arm. "Now the real question is, what are you gonna do with it?"

She sat up as I put down my laptop, and I anxiously picked up my phone. "First, I better save this so you can print it. Then, I have a phone call to make."


I walked to my room after saving the file and dialed the tattoo shops number, hoping to get an answer. Based on what I'd found online, the ownrs had changed the number to have all calls forwarded to them. When an older male voice picked up a few seconds later, I shivered.

"Hello?" His raspy voice answered the phone.

"Hi, my name is Kallie Winters. You have your shop posted for sale online?" I got right to the point. "I had some questions I was hoping you could answer?"

"Before I waste my time, do you have serious interest in this or are you just going to talk my ear off?" He asked, sounding a little impatient.

"I have very serious interest," I assured him, my heart racing. "I've got first two months rent, I've done all the research I can on your business, and I've already got someone lined up to work there."

"Well... alright. You sound nice enough. I don't do these talks over the phone, though. We can meet outside the shop and talk business." He said after a moment.

I paced my room, the stress making me run my hand through my hair and tense up. "Sure, I mean, I'd love that."

"Great, my wife and I look forward to it." The man sounded kinder than I expected, but I was still scared of him. "And your name is Kallie?"

"Yes, it's Kallie Winters." I confirmed.

"Wonderful," The man said softly. "When can we expect you?"

I looked at my alarm clock and swallowed harshly. "I'll be there today at 12 PM if that works with you?"

"Yes, that works." He obliged. "See you then, Kallie."

We ended the call then and I panicked. Pacing my room like a lunatic, I tried to be calm for Delina. After all, I was doing this for her. Not to mention the fact that I was supposed to be 22 years old. I walked back out to the living room and saw Delina resting with her head on the arm of the couch.

"Hey," She greeted me sleepily. "Did you get the call done?"

"Yeah, I did." I sat down beside her. "I'm a nervous wreck, though."

"What? Don't be silly," Delina sat up and smiled. "Whatever it is, it'll work out. My mom always used to say; don't worry or force anything, good things that are meant to be will come to you."

"That's really nice, actually." I smiled back.

"Well, I mean, she's the best. She always has my back, and she always supported my sister." She told me fondly. "That's why I try so much. I want to be like her. I want to be kind to other people."

I admired her silently as she stared off at the floor. I knew in that moment that I had made the right decision no matter what happened. Even if it didn't work out and the shop owners wouldn't accept me, at least I was trying. Something Bry and Delina would do. Probably something Kevin would do, too.

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