Chapter 10: Mine

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                               Jayden's POV

I'm walking into the school with the crew minus Justin who is going to meet us in the hallway. We get in the hallway and almost immediately everyone stops and looks at us but more specifically me. My anxiety immediately started messing with me and I suddenly feel like I'm under attack. Justin practically charges at all of us out of breath before looking at me and Alex.

"Are y'all dating or something?" Justin asked. "No we're not,we're friends" I said. I see Alex out of the corner of my eye and he looks down. I wonder what's wrong with him.

                               Alex's POV

When Jayden said we were friends I felt my heart break. I thought we agreed that we were at least talking but for him to say that must mean I was wrong. I started to get insecure about myself and wondered if there was something wrong with me. Maybe I'm not as cute as I thought I was. I started to get sad so I told the crew I would see them at lunch.

The whole day I couldn't stop thinking about Jayden basically saying that the moments we had last weekend meant nothing to him. Eventually lunch came around and I was dreading it because then I would have to see Jayden and I feel like I might cry if I look at him.

We all sit down at the table and I try my best to avoid Jayden's stare. I honestly just want to break down crying and I know it may seem like I'm being extra but I really like Jayden and I feel betrayed, plus no matter how tough I tried to act when Jayden and I had beef I'm really sensitive when it comes to stuff like this. I mostly talked to Nick and Mehgan while we sat there.

(Time Skip) after school

I managed to go the whole day without talking to Jayden and it kinda sucks because that's one of the best parts of my day. I finished my homework and now I'm staring at the ceiling wondering why I can't ever be happy without something happening. Suddenly I hear a knock on my door and I'm home alone so I open it to see a worried looking Jayden.

"Hey, can I come in?" he asked. I just held the door open wider as he walked in. We sat down on the couch in silence for a minute before he looked at me. "So what happened today, you didn't talk to me all day or even look at me" he said. I finally looked him in eyes and I immediately started crying. "Aww bub what's wrong?" he asked walking over and wrapping his arms around my waist and bringing me closer to him.

"You told Justin that we were friends in the hallway and it made me think that you didn't mean what you said about us talking and it made me feel insecure about myself" I said still somewhat crying. "Bub I would never mean to make you feel insecure or hurt your feelings ever" he said looking me in my eyes"

"Why did you deny what happened last weekend, I thought it meant something to you?" I asked crying a little more. Jayden stands up and pulls me up by my hands. "Alex it definitely meant something to me. The only reason why I said that was because I didn't want to confirm anything until we became official" he said.

"I thought you just were basically denying everything that happened and was using me. I'm sorry for not talking to you all day, I was being a sensitive little bitch" I said looking down. Jayden picked my head up, wiped my tears, and kissed me softly and slowly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me close.

He eventually pulled away and held me while looking at me with a loving look. "Bub, you are entitled to feel however you feel. I should've talk to you about it before I saw something" Jayden said. "Can we make a deal that for now on we're going to talk to each other about things like this beforehand so we don't have any more misunderstandings?" I asked. "Deal" he said.

For the next hour we cuddled and watched Netflix while I pictured us being a couple and him showing me affection in front of everyone. I want Jayden to be my boyfriend so bad but I'm scared to ask him out. "Do you remember when you stood up to Shawn and called me your property to the whole hallway?" I asked laughing.

"Yeah, I felt really possessive over you and I said the first thing that came to my mind" he said laughing as well. "I'm not going to lie, you being possessive over me is really hot" I said in a flirty tone. "Really?" he asked in the same tone. "Yep" I said now straddling his waist while he's sitting against the headboard. He grabs my ass with both of his hands and looks at me with a dominant look.

"I don't care if we're in an official relationship or not, I need you to understand that you and this(he said pointing to my ass) belong to me" he said with nothing but dominance in his tone" I practically melted at his words but me being me, I had to tease. "Why don't you prove it" I said. He gives me a look before flipping us over and pinning my arms over my head and started kissing my neck.

My eyes rolled in the back of my head as he kissed and sucked on my neck. I tried my hardest to contain my moans but I failed miserably. After what felt like 15 minutes Jayden finally pulled away with a proud look on his face. I walked in the bathroom and looked in the mirror and saw about 6 different hickeys on my neck and collarbone.

"Really" I sarcastically asked. "Yep now everyone will know not to mess with what's mine" he said standing behind me with his arms around my waist. "So I'm yours now" I asked. "Damn right, mine and mine only. I don't want you to cover any of them up tomorrow" Jayden said turning me around and looking at me in the eyes. "Mine" he said with dominance. "Yours" I said back in submissive tone. "I'm glad you know" Jayden said picking me up and carrying me to my bed.

Jayden ended up staying for dinner before having to go back home. I went to sleep happy with my current situationship with Jayden.

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